A hopeful and Christ-centered devotional for Christians who know social justice to be a good and holy endeavor
On Love and Mercy is a 60-day devotional that invites readers to expand their vision of both personal faith in God and the redemptive and saving work of social action. Breaking down the premise that Christians must choose between being either socially conscious or theologically sound, author Stephen Mattson offers the hopeful message that Jesus—and Christianity—is both. Each day’s entry offers Christians who long to see justice and equity within society with a much-needed source of affirmation, solidarity, and encouragement.
These heart-felt devotions bring readers hope and encouragement to embrace social justice as the Christ-like discipline that it always was and is meant to be. On Love and Mercy validates social justice practices within the Christian faith by centering the example of Jesus as the ultimate standard.
Although our religion will fail us, Jesus never will. He walks alongside us in living out God’s commands us to love our neighbors to the best of our ability. Step into this journey and discover anew what it means to be devoted to Jesus and justice.
“On Love and Mercy does something unique: It thoughtfully describes a Christian theology of social justice in the format of meaningful, convicting, and prayerful daily devotions. The church needs more resources like this! Stephen Mattson has written an important book to help individuals, small groups, and church communities live just and faithful lives.”—-KAITLYN SCHIESS, theologian and author of The Liturgy of Politics: Spiritual Formation for the Sake of Our Neighbor
“On Love and Mercy helps redirect the many ways that Christianity has wielded power against the vulnerable to the justice teachings of Jesus.”—-CINDY WANG BRANDT, author of Parenting Forward: How to Raise Children with Justice, Mercy, and Kindness and the children’s book You Are Revolutionary
“On Love and Mercy is a devotional based on Jesus’ most important instruction: to love our neighbors. Using Christ’s life and words, Stephen Mattson’s writing challenges us to do the work of social justice, and reminds us of its divine importance.”—-KAREN GONZÁLEZ, immigration advocate and author of The God Who Sees: Immigrants, the Bible, and the Journey to Belong
“On Love and Mercy is a devotional that calls us to daily reflection around the understanding that justice work cannot be separated from one’s faith and beliefs–that it truly is a vocation. In a time when we are so divided, it invites us to accept the truth that everyone is made in the image of God, and challenges us to love our neighbors as Jesus instructed us to. Living into these commandments can help heal our broken nation and world.”—-REV. JIM WALLIS, inaugural holder of the Endowed Chair in Faith and Justice at the McCourt School of Public Policy, founding director of the Georgetown University Center on Faith and Justice, and founder of Sojourners
“On Love and Mercy is an inspiring devotional that challenges readers to expand their understanding and scope of what it means to engage in justice in the world. Deeply rooted in Scripture and yet deeply practical and connected to our modern world, Stephen Mattson has provided all who seek to embody love and mercy a powerful devotional to guide our reflection and nourish our souls.”—-REV. BRANDAN ROBERTSON, author of the forthcoming Filled to Be Emptied: The Path of Liberation for a Privileged People
“Stephen Mattson has been an important voice for social justice. His writing continues to inspire Christians to participate in the work of social justice. On Love and Mercy is faithfully rooted in the Scriptures and centers the words and life of Jesus Christ.”—-REV. DENNIS R. EDWARDS, PhD, associate professor of New Testament at North Park Theological Seminary and author of Might from the Margins: The Gospel’s Power to Turn the Tables on Injustice
“Stephen Mattson inspires us to love our neighbors by emulating Jesus and shows us that justice work is essential to faith.”—-BEN COHEN, cofounder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
“Stephen Mattson invites readers to read, hear, and live out the words of Jesus. He takes us on a journey through God’s heart. This is a great devotional for those who may be straddling the fence in joining God to establish justice on earth.”—-REV. BRITTINI L. PALMER, prophetic preacher, freedom writer, and communications consultant in Atlanta, Georgia
“Stephen Mattson writes with such openness and graciousness, inviting us all to consider social justice in our own lives. He has a way of making social justice and the connection to our faith accessible. Definitely get a copy and let it influence you the way it did me.”—-CANDICE CZUBERNAT, founder of The Christian Closet
“There have been many Christian books written about social justice but not many devotionals on this theme. This is why Stephen Mattson’s On Love and Mercy is such a timely and powerful resource. As a Christian leader who has been involved in social justice for over thirty-five years, I can tell you that Mattson’s devotional provides a much-needed anchor for our soul that will sustain us in the midst of the storms of social injustice present in our world today. I can’t wait to order this book for all my team here at Connect City.”—-REV. COLIN MCCARTNEY, founder of various urban-based nonprofits and co-director of Connect City (www.ConnectCity.org)
About the Author
Stephen Mattson is a writer and activist whose work has been published in Relevant, Huffington Post, Sojourners, Red Letter Christians, and a variety of other venues. Mattson graduated from Moody Bible Institute, served as a youth pastor, and now works at University of Northwestern–St. Paul. He and his wife and children live near Saint Paul, Minnesota, and attend Woodland Hills Church. This is his second book.
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