President Joe Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act at a ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House. The new law creates federal protections for both same-sex and interracial marriages, effectively guarding these rights against the possibility of the Supreme Court overturning the rulings that previously granted them.
read moreChristmas is a season of lights… And a season to become enlightened…. To notice and amplify the light that shines within us all, revealing inner wisdom and guidance for our lives.
read moreWhy not at least integrate working on gratitude as our routine attitude during “the season” this and each year —and continue our practice into each new day of the fresh year?
read moreDo you desire more from your faith than what you learned in Sunday School? Do you find yourself asking questions about Christianity and feeling unsatisfied with the answers?
read moreHow could a church that has been plagued by anti-Semitism, the killing of the Crusades, and the violence of the Inquisition (to name a few) be redeemed of these evils? Quite simply, it has always returned to Jesus.
read moreAs the years moved along, this answer seemed less and less adequate in the face of undeserved suffering in the world, the epitome of which is the baby born into the world, experiences extreme pain, and dies after one day.
read moreJoin Mark and Caleb as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of the “Mary’s War on Christmas”.
read moreTo get in the Christmas spirit, enjoy the musical gifts of the late Alice Wildermuth O’Sullivan and new words to carols by her husband, Robert O’Sullivan, who emphasizes peace, justice, and care of the earth.
read moreChristmas presents us with an intersection of religious and secular stories that come from and come with a mixed bag of fact and fiction
read moreA true religious renewal, according to Fox, can arise only through the mystical dimension of faith.
read moreThe Road to Character by David Brooks, A Review by Rick Herrick How do we become a moral person? How do we come to do a better job living the teachings of …
read moreBishop John Shelby Spong said, “If God is the source of life, I worship God by living. If God is the source of love, I worship God by loving.
read moreJoin Caleb and Mark as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of the Part 1 of Season 4 of the DC Universe’s “TITANS.”
read moreIn this episode ‘Green Christ’ we will explore an ancient archetype of the divine that takes us “out of the mind” so that we can return to the body, deep in the somatic, erotic, and the instinctual polyphonous flesh of the world, a wilder incarnation.
read moreHere are some recent news items to which I have added a few facts that seem related. Have fun putting it all together, creating your own narrative about what it all might mean, if anything.
read moreAdvent holds such a sacred space – the story and formation of the womb is tucked into our souls. Advent is most often thought of as an individual journey, even though we may celebrate together.
read moreThis program is for today’s leaders, individual seekers, companions, caregivers, service providers, activists in change-making organizations, and more.
read moreFifty years ago, one prominent topic of conversation in the churches was the ecumenical movement, trying to determine what the various bodies had in common.
read moreThe Christian Snapshot helps define what you believe today, how your beliefs have changed, and how they differ from people around you.
read moreChurch and Christian community look a lot different than they did before the horrors of the coronavirus pandemic, racial trauma, and economic uncertainty revealed difficult truths about the wounds we carry. The damage caused by trauma is deep and affects every part of our lives together.
read moreA peacemaker’s guide to the book of Revelation The book of Revelation—which deals on a cosmic scale with good and evil, politics and empire, community and eternity—has intrigued and frustrated readers since it was written. How …
read moreIn this book, Carter Heyward shows how American Christians have played a major role in building and securing structures of injustice in American life. She contends that, especially since the end of World War Two, American Christianity too often has been coopted by a white Christian nationalist agenda.
read moreSanta must evolve. He has to become more meaningful, more relevant, more present. Santa’s way of being in the world, as the children’s greatest gift-giver, needs bringing up to speed. What we need is a Santa children will want to emulate, and who can help them learn to serve the Earth as a long-term thank you for the miracle of life.
read moreNo one is an expert at directing another’s spiritual journey, nor should anyone try. Each person is unique, and free to walk their own path, seeking their own answers, designing their own conversations with God.
read moreHere is a reissue of the critically acclaimed bestseller, named one of the “20 books that changed the world” in New Age Journal’s Annual Source Book for 1995.
read moreIn this season of Advent, may we all be a little more perfected in love so that we may hear, perhaps for the first time, the message of Jesus and the angels, “Do not be afraid.”
read moreInstitutional religion has become vestigial enroute to extinction, having largely become a “non-prophet” organization.
read moreJoin Mark and CAleb as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of the MCU’s second Black Panther film, “Wakanda Forever”.
read moreWhat does a Modern Christianity look like to you? Will you help build it?
read moreIt is not so much my thinking that has changed over the last fifty years, as the attitude I bring to that thinking.
read moreThis compilation of the mystical writings of Hadewijch of Antwerp is best described, in Andrew Harvey’s words, as a “heroic song” of love
read moreIt is our hope that our time together nourished your spirits and inspired your work as the change agents, healers and light workers that you are.
read moreLooking for a spiritual retreat to tide you over in quiet contemplation during the holy days leading up to Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Day, and Epiphany? Here are many choices — some Christian and inclusive, others multifaith — from which you can find a perfect match for your needs.
read moreIn these post-election days, there have been no reports of the violence many had forecast. Certainly, this is most encouraging. There is no place for violence in a civil society.
read moreWatch Rev. Mark Sandlin, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant on his November 13, 2022, sermon on Happiness via Compassion and Connectedness.
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