O Dear One, we are overwhelmed with frustration with the impossibility of fully accepting this unacceptable death. We also feel relief, knowing how much pain and discomfort this child had to suffer in his brief life, and how much more he would have had to suffer if he had lived longer, and knowing what suffering his parents would have had to endure for months or years. We are horrified at the existential injustice, the insult to our faith and our trust, that this death represents. We are also humbly grateful for the mystery and magic of his brief life, for the incredibly beautiful things that happened because he lived among us. O God, we lay all these feelings and questions before you, praying that you will find a place for his life and death in our lives; we pray that you will restore us to faith and hope and love even if you do not give us the answers we need for our most insistent questions — Amen!
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