This curriculum edition DVD program may be used for online study via a computer DVD drive and screen sharing.
Questioning Capital Punishment with Sr. Helen Prejean is a five session DVD study featuring one of the world’s leading authorities and outspoken critics of state-sponsored execution.
Session 1: Crossing the Breach
Session 2: What in God’s Name?
Session 3: A Change of Heart
Session 4: Radical Forgiveness
Session 5: Next Steps
Featuring Sr. Helen Prejean
A Roman Catholic Sister and leading American advocate for the abolition of the death penalty, Sr. Helen has ministered to numerous inmates on death row, and has authored two books based on those experiences, Dead Man Walking and The Death of Innocents: An Eyewitness Account of Wrongful Executions. She is the founder of the Death Penalty Discourse Center in New Orleans.
All proceeds from the sales of Questioning Capital Punishment will benefit the Death Penalty Discourse Network.
“Electric Chair” © 2007 Janet McKenzie, Used with permission.
Program price includes the DVD lecture and on-going access to the downloadable/printable discussion questions accessible via the online “Downloadable Discussion Questions”. This DVD program is not closed captioned.
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