Resilience: Handling Anxiety in a Time of Crisis


It’s a challenging time for people who experience anxiety, and even people who usually don’t experience it are finding their moods are getting the better of them. Anxiety hits hard and its symptoms are unmistakable, but sometimes in the rush and confusion of uncertainty we miss those symptoms until it’s too late.

When things seem to be coming undone, it’s still possible to recognize the onset of anxiety and act to prevent the worst of it. George Hofmann takes a unique approach to developing better awareness of the body and how to head off disabling angst-filled episodes. Hofmann has used these techniques to successfully overcome crippling mood swings himself and has successfully taught these techniques to countless others, who have found them beneficial in their own lives.

The “Resilience Series” is the result of an intensive, collaborative effort of our authors in response to the 2020 coronavirus epidemic. Each volume offers expert advice for developing the practical, emotional and spiritual skills that you can master to become more resilient in a time of crisis.




“Anxiety is a big topic, the subject of who knows how many academic papers, lifestyle magazine articles and pop psychologists on TV. This little book can do more for us than any of those. George Hofmann’s insights are lived and genuine. No complex theory here or claims of instant cures. Just straight-up clarity about how to think about and work with anxiety. He has managed to make this book both practical and inspiring. In his chapter on community he says, “Coping with anxiety is an inclusive practice. Hope is other people.” So simple, so true. He never claims any of what he offers will be easy to do or accept. He simply makes it available to us to do with what we will in a tone that is encouraging and hopeful without being saccharine.” – J. Valdes-Dapena

“If you suffer from anxiety in the context of the pandemic, this book is a must-read! As someone who regularly suffers from anxiety, the pandemic has been a tough time. There’s a lot more opportunity for anxiety-inducing experiences, and more temptation to take unhealthy steps to deal with them. This book helps both improve the ability to notice symptoms of anxiety in a timely manner – before the unhealthy steps – and also provides guidance on dealing with anxiety in a healthy way. If you suffer from anxiety, whether regularly or in the context of the pandemic, this book is a must-read!” – Gleb

“While managing anxiety during unsettling times isn’t easy, this book is a true gem that offers hope! Hofmann teaches readers how to notice what they are experiencing physically, as well as emotionally, so that they can better handle stress and make wiser choices. He eloquently demonstrates how healthy habits, such as meditation, movement and meaningful work, can help build resilience for a healthier and happier life.” – Suzie Pileggi Pawelski, MAPP, coauthor of “Happy Together: Using the Science of Positive Psychology to Build Love That Lasts” (Penguin Random House)

Everyone should read this! Perfect timing. However I think it’s relative for all times“. – John C Robinson Ph.D.author of Resilience: Aging with Vision, Hope and Courage in a Time of Crisis

George Hoffman’s book, Handling Anxiety in a Time of Crisis, is a primer for understanding and managing anxiety, negative thoughts, and social isolation. Focusing on movement, meditation, and meaningful work, his explanations are down-to-Earth, practical, and hopeful. George also takes the reader into his own life, candidly describing his struggles with anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder. His personal vulnerability is refreshing, easy to identify with, and comforting, reminding us that we’re not alone in this all-too-human experience. As a clinical psychologist, I would recommend this book to anyone wrestling with the extra stresses caused by the coronavirus pandemic. You will find a good friend here with lots of good advice.


George Hofmann created Practicing Mental Illness to teach people with affective disorders that there is more to getting well than medicine and therapy. Drawing on his own experience, training with leaders in mindfulness and meditation, and consultation with medical professionals, he developed a program to help people manage and overcome episodes of depression, mania and anxiety. His workshops have been presented to support groups, families and friends of those with mental illness, healthcare professionals, medical students, church groups and corporations. George also maintains the website and writes the blog Practicing Mental Illness. It promotes the therapies of meditation, movement and meaningful work.

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