Part 1 of Sacred Energy (Mass of the Universe) presents the mass in a form that you can interact with. Each individual musical segment has both an audio file (mp3) and a musical score (pdf).
A separate resource, Part 2, contains downloadable pdf’s with the complete text (including melody lines) as well the complete musical score for an accompanist.
Finally, Part 3 has some background commentary on the mass and the Powerpoint slides that illustrate it.
This narrated musical exploration of the mystical sense of oneness and sacredness of all that is was written by William L. (Bill) Wallace of Christchurch, New Zealand.
There are three narrative roles: Human Being, Universe, and Reader/Universe B; a Cantor (soloist); and a Choir (which could be All). “ppt” refers to the Powerpoint slides in Part 3.
ppt. 1
ppt. 2
Fanfare and Flute or Organ Prelude
Human Being:
In the midst of my dreaming, I perceived a Way,
A Way to the sacred heart of the mystery,
A Way within and beyond the flesh and bone,
Stream and stone of the expanding Cosmos.
So I sang a song of Mass and Energy,
Of Eucharistic Death and Resurrection,
Crying out ‘O Golden Doors Now Open Wide’.
HYMN (All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.1.O Golden Doors Now Open Wide – Full Score
(The mystic Eucharistic pilgrimage)
O golden doors now open wide
Revealing myst’ry’s grace,
The grace beyond the imaged word,
Beyond all time and space.
The doors swing open every time The Offering
We leave the realm of things
To enter silent emptiness
And touch what leaving brings.
With Eucharistic thankfulness The Great Thanksgiving
We join the cosmic song
Of atoms and of starlit skies;
The space where we belong.
We move into the mystic space The Fraction
Within the Cross of pain
To find each cross becomes a seed
Which bears life-giving grain.
As bread of life becomes our feast The Feasting
Grief’s wine is turned to praise
And death and resurrection’s ways
Form templates for our days
Human Being:
In the mystic dream the fragments came together,
The parts became a whole
And the heart birthed another song,
A song of oneness,
A song of unity with all that is.
CHANT (Choir)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.2.We Come From The Cosmos – Full Score
We come from the Cosmos that birthed our Earth.
Each part of that process still nurtures Earth.
Our home is this planet that we call Earth,
For Earth is God the Presence adorned in cosmic flesh,
The shadow of the mystery who is both host and guest.
We form but one family who share one flesh.
There is but one Nature who forms our flesh.
We are but one person of spirit / flesh,
For Earth is God the Presence adorned in Nature’s flesh,
The shadow of the mystery who is both host and guest.
REFRAIN (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it sung:
Click here to hear it played:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.3.Sanctum Response – Full Score
Sanctum, Sanctum, Sanctum, Magnum Mysterium (which may be followed by Gong and/or Flute)
( Gong )
ppt. 3
Human Being:
So I asked the Universe, “How can I become one with you?”
If you desire to be at one with me, O human being, you must first listen to my story, for my story is your story.
In the beginning was the mystery,
the oneness, the emptiness,
the nothingness
birthing the rhythmic
energy in all its forms;
spirals, circles, waves, explosions.
And the energy was in process,
the process of the ever-moving, ever-constant One,
the All in All.
Suddenly, energy gave birth to matter
and the song of the Universe was heard,
nova and supernova,
planet and asteroid,
sun and moon,
darkness of space,
sounds of the silence.
RESPONSE (Cantor and Choir )
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.4.Responses 4a & 4b – Full Score
Solo or Reader
O Universe,
Choir or All
You are filled with the cosmic praise of God.
ppt. 4
And matter evolved into life,
life in the sea,
on land,
in the air.
The song of the web of life was heard,
bacteria and virus,
algae and fungi,
fern and moss,
flower and tree,
bird and insect,
fish and mammal.
RESPONSE (Cantor and Choir)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.4.Responses 4a & 4b – Full Score
O web of life
Choir or All
You are filled with the living praise of God.
Then after eons of time, the voice of human beings
was heard –
sounds of birth,
the song of parent and child,
man and woman,
young and old,
unborn and dying,
the ancestors and those yet to come.
REFRAIN (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.3.Sanctum Response – Full Score
Sanctum, Sanctum, Sanctum, Magnum Mysterium.
( Gong )
ppt. 5 Universe:You are children of God, stardust in your eyes, the earth standing tall.
All:We are creators and dreamers, movers and shakers, mystics and pilgrims, God’s image, the Inner Christ, is within us. What a wondrous sight we are!
Universe:But you are also predators, manipulators, unfettered consumers, more misguided than evil; not knowing or doing what is best for yourselves, unaware that what you do to other people and all other forms of life you do to yourselves. What a sorry sight you can be when you imagine that life lies in the grasping, the hurting, the trampling, rather than in the sharing of co-operative nurture.
All:We confess that we are destroyers and manipulators, unfettered consumers, predators and avengers, self-centered ones who imagine that we are superior to all other forms of life and even to the Universe itself. Our hearts are filled with guilt and shame.
Universe:The way forward, O human beings, does not lie in wallowing in guilt and shame, but in transforming your mind and your actions through the divine within you.
Deep within you is your I AM, your true self, that of God, the BREAD that feeds your hungry spirit’s quest, the VINE of green and growth.
Deep within you is your I AM, your true self, that of God, which nurtures life with gentle SHEPHERD care, the DOOR to love and peace.
RESPONSE (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it: Click here to see the score: Wallace.6.Deep Within Us - Full Score
Deep within us is our I AM, Our true self, that of God, Which brings us LIGHT and LIBERATES our lives From hatred, guilt and fear.
Deep within us is our I AM, Our true self, that of God, The WAY of God, the WISDOM and the TRUTH, The SONG, the DANCE, the JOY.
REFRAIN (Choir or All)Click here to hear it: Click here to see the score: Wallace.3.Sanctum Response - Full Score
Sanctum, Sanctum, Sanctum, Magnum Mysterium.
( Gong )
ppt. 6Human Being:
But how shall I forgive myself, how shall I forgive others
and how shall I be open to receiving forgiveness?Universe:
Forgiveness is a movement, not a moment,
a process, not a product,
a river that slowly but surely greens the most arid desert sands.
Forgiveness is your most precious gift,
the most Christ-like blessing you can share.
RESPONSE (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.7.Forgiveness - Full Score
Forgiveness is our most precious gift,
the most Christ-like blessing we can share.
Universe (A and B):
(A) Remember your past hurts,
(B) And surround them with love.
(A) Bring to mind your enemies,
(B) And surround them with love.
(A) Listen to your oppressors’ stories,
(B) And surround them with love.
(A) Discover that your oppressors also live in your own heart,
(B) And surround them with love.
(A) Find the insecurity behind your anger,
(B) And surround it with love.
(A) Redress past wrongs
(B) Through the power of transforming love.
RESPONSE (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.7.Forgiveness - Full Score
Forgiveness is our most precious gift,
the most Christ-like blessing we can share.
At the heart of forgiveness is letting go,
letting go of resentment and revenge,
of hatred and of feeling a victim.
In the letting go, you shall find life,
for deeper than the striving is the flowing,
deeper than the searching is the knowing,
and deeper than the grieving is the mystery
in which darkness and light are one.
RESPONSE (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.8.In the Letting Go - Full Score
In the letting go we find life,
for deeper than the striving is the flowing,
deeper than the searching is the knowing
and deeper than the grieving is the mystery
in which darkness and light are one.
May the thoughts that shaped the Christ
be the thoughts that take flesh in you.
REFRAIN (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.3.Sanctum Response - Full Score
Sanctum, Sanctum, Sanctum, Magnum Mysterium.
( Gong )
ppt. 7Human Being:
Where shall I find wisdom, O Universe?
Listen to nature, listen to the sacred writings, listen to the prophets, listen to the Christ.
Reader (Paraphrase of Daniel 4:10-37)
In the Hebrew scriptures a frightened King Nebuchadnezzar turns to Daniel, Master of the Magicians, for an explanation of his dream.
After reflecting in silence, Daniel answered “Your Majesty, you are that tree of which you dreamt, a tree so strong and tall that it touched the sky and could be seen from the ends of the earth.
Your stature and power have grown as great as that tree.
But as the tree was cut down so will your arrogance suffer the same fate.
For seven years you will dwell with the wild animals.
For seven years you will think like an animal and not as a human being.
You will feed on grass like the oxen and be drenched by dew from the Heavens.
If all this leads you to come to your senses, to acknowledge that all power comes from God, to promote justice for the poor and show compassion for the oppressed, you will live for many years with a mind which is at peace.”The events of the King’s life unfolded just as had been predicted in the dream.
At the end of his time with the creatures, King Nebuchadnezzar exclaimed,
“I looked up to Heaven and my sanity returned. I gave praise and honor to the God who is always faithful, whose ways are always just and who has the power to humble all who are arrogant.”
Children of Earth, reflect on these words and discern their meaning for today.
The prophet Micah summarizes the Hebrew tradition and a contemporary hymn writer expands the text. (Micah 6/8).
HYMN (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.9.What Does Our God - Full Score
(Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation)What does our God require of us
But to do justly,
Love mercy
And humbly walk with God.What does the Earth require of us
But to share oneness,
Give nurture
And reverence all of life.What do the people seek with us
But to gain justice,
Share caring
And be at one with Earth.Come let us sing the song of God
As we seek justice,
Find stillness
And treasure Earth with God.Universe:
Reflect on these words and discern their meaning for today.
ppt. 8Reader:
A contemporary prophet says this about liberation:
“Not only do the poor scream, but also the water, the animals, the forests, the soils: that is, the Earth as a living super- organism.
They scream because they are continuously attacked.
They scream because their autonomy and intrinsic value are not recognized.
They scream because they are threatened with extinction.
Every day around ten species of living beings disappear as a result of human aggressiveness in the contemporary industrial process”.“The same logic subjugates nations, preys upon ecosystems and enfeebles the planet Earth. The Earth, with its impoverished sons and daughters, needs liberation. We all live oppressed under a paradigm of civilization that has exiled us from the community of life, which is related to violence against Nature and which makes us lose the reverence for the sacredness and majesty of the Universe. We have forgotten that we are only a link in the immense current of life and that we are co-responsible for the common destiny of humankind and Earth.”
“We have reached the crossroads at which we should decide on the future we want. Our mission is to celebrate the greatness of creation and connect it again to the core where it came from and to which it will go, with care, lightness, joy, reverence and love.”
(Leonardo Boff, from an article on Liberation Theology page 22 Resurgence, No 215 November/ December 2002)
Reflect on these words and discern their meaning for today.
A paraphrase of the words of Jesus in the Beatitudes. (Matthew 5:3-10)
ppt. 9(A) HYMN (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.10.How Happy Are Those - Full Score
How happy are those who have learnt to let go;
They shall discover the Christ within. (i)
How healthy are those who express all their grief;
Their tears shall heal all their pain and loss. (ii)
How joyful are those with a reverence for life;
The Earth shall rejoice in their presence. (iii)
How caring are those who are focused on God;
Their hearts shall be filled with compassion. (iv)How peaceful are those who forgive others’ wrongs;
Anger and hatred will die away. (v)
How holy are those who know all things are one;
For them God’s wonder is everywhere. (vi)
How Christ-like are workers for justice and peace;
Their lives shall be lived with great passion. (vii)
What healing can come when rejection and pain
Are viewed with God’s gift of awareness. (viii)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.10a.How Liberated are those
How liberated are those who have | learnt to let | go;
They shall experience the | mys - | t’ry of | God.How strong are those who are not afraid to | admit their | weaknesses;
Their | tears shall | heal their | grief.How beautiful are those who | reverence | life;
The | Earth ' shall re - | joice in ' their | presence.How satisfied are those who | long to serve | God;
For | God shall | be their ' de - | light.How happy are those who are willing to for | give _ | others;
They shall find re - | lease from | guilt and | fear.How enlightened are those who know | oneness with | all things;
They shall see | God _ | ev'ry - | where.How inspiring are those who work for | justice and | peace;
They shall | live as | children of | God.What an opportunity there is for those who suffer in the | cause of | right;
Their rejection can become a | doorway to | new _ | life.
Reflect on these words and discern their meaning for today.
REFRAIN (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.3.Sanctum Response - Full Score
Sanctum, Sanctum, Sanctum, Magnum Mysterium.
ppt. 10Human Being:
How can I see and hear Oneness?
Look in nature’s mirror;
In the unfolding fern
discern both spiral shell and galaxy.
REFRAIN (Choir or All)Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.11.Each Is Reflected - Full Score
Choir or All (sung)
Each is reflected in the other
And all belong together.Universe:
In the clouds see the frothing surf and the snow clad mountains,
in the rivers’ tributaries discover the veins of the leaf and
the patterned streams in your own flesh.Choir or All (sung)
Each is reflected in the other
And all belong together.Universe:
Hear the moaning surf as the cries of humanity,
and the song of the bird as the people’s praise.Choir or All (sung)
Each is reflected in the other
And all belong together.Universe:
And when you look at other people, see yourself in them
and them in you, for deep within youChoir or All (sung)
Each is reflected in the other
And all belong together.
Human Being:
What song then shall I sing?
Sing of the rocks, the breeze, the atoms, the trees.
Sing also of yourself as part of nature’s web.
HYMN (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.12.Come let us think - Full Score
Come let us think like mountain rocks,
Come breathe the song of scented breeze,
Come join the atoms’ quantum dance,
Come weep with all the fallen trees.O let us pulse like surging waves,
Or flow as clear and running streams,
Explore the throbbing heart of Earth
And dream the plants’ and creatures’ dreams.When liveliness evades our grasp,
When love grows weak and fears grow strong,
We still can feel the pulse of breath
And join once more in Nature’s song.With joyful zest we raise God’s psalm,
The muse of past and present now,
The chant of fire that births new life,The song of soil and root and bough.Life’s many forms unite as one;
This earth is filled with sacredness;
All praise exalts the Cosmic God
Who dwells in mystic holiness.
REFRAIN (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.3.Sanctum Response - Full Score
Sanctum, Sanctum, Sanctum, Magnum Mysterium.
( Gong )
ppt. 11Human Being:
How shall I pray?
To pray is to be aware of being connected with the mystery,
with the Universe,
with all that lives and moves,
and with the depths of your own being.
But first you must learn to be silent for it is between your thoughts
and beyond your ever turning mind that paradise can dwell.
HYMN (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.13.Between Our Thoughts - Full Score
Between our thoughts there lives a space
Where paradise can dwell;
Beyond our ever-turning mind,
Beyond our strangest hell.There in the quietude of love
The ways of silence reign;
The shackles of division break
And we are one again.With gentleness we take control
Of all that we distort,
Until the mind that was in Christ *
Imbues our every thought.O God of all that brings us peace,
Your silence is our rest.
Beyond our words the stillness comes
And makes our mind its guest.
* Ref: Philippians 2:5
ppt. 12
Universe:Prayer is being alone with the presence that links you with everything.
CHANT (Choir or Solo)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.14.No-One Can Share – Full Score
No one can share my inner space;
There I am alone, yet not alone;
For you are there, O God,
Deeper than my thinking,
Deeper than my feeling,
You are there, you are there, O God,
Ever-present mystery.No one can share my inner space;
There I am alone, yet not alone;
For you are there, my friends,
Found within my thinking,
Dwelling in my dreaming,
You are there, you are there, my friends,
Ever-present mystery.No one can share my inner space;
There I am alone, yet not alone;
For family trees live on,
Live in tribal memory,
Live as genes great spiral,
You are here, both as trunk and branch,
Ever-present mystery.No one can share my inner space;
There I am alone, yet not alone;
For we are part of Earth,
Sharing in one network,
Woven as one fabric,
We are strands of the web of life,
Ever-present mystery.
Here is a way to live the prayer of Jesus.
CHANT (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.15.O God of Sky and God of Earth – Full Score
(A reflection on the Lord’s prayer)O God of sky and God of Earth,
We honor your presence
Within us and beyond.
As we eat may we share your gifts
Of hope and compassion
With all the life of Earth.Give us, O God, forgiving hearts
Affirming each other
With humor and with grace.
May we grow beyond narrow needs
To join in the spreading
Of just and loving peace.You greet us here and everywhere,
In moments of oneness
And spaces of delight.
To all this we now say “Amen”,
Your song is our anthem,
Your dance our cosmic joy.
REFRAIN (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.3.Sanctum Response – Full Score
Sanctum, Sanctum, Sanctum, Magnum Mysterium.
( Gong )
Human Being:
How can I walk the Way of oneness?
Universe:The Way is the way of the ocean,
the way of the mountain,
the way of the river,
the way of the Earth itself;
the ocean of letting go,
the mountain of thanksgiving,
the river of process
and the fullness of earthed blessing.( Gong )
(The Offering)
Universe (A):
But to walk the Way you must first let go.
Universe (B):
In the letting go you shall find life,
For deeper than the striving is the flowing,
Deeper than the searching is the knowing
and deeper than the grieving is the mystery
in which darkness and light are one.
Universe (A):
Letting go is offering and offering is co-operative enterprise.
HYMN (All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.16.With God We Shape – Full Score
With God we shape compassion’s robe;
We spin life’s golden thread.
We guard the pulse of nature’s flow,
We bake the pilgrim bread.Our weaving forms life’s sacred cloth;
Our threads are soft but strong.
Our nurture’s warmth is holiness,
Our bread is life and song.Come plait with joy love’s braided cord;
Come spin new dreams with thread.
Come live within God’s birthing space,
Come be as Christ, the bread.
( Gong )
ppt. 16Human Being:
What is the wisdom of the mountain?
Universe (A):
The way of the mountain of thanksgiving is a path of a remembering –
a binding together of all the parts of the story.
Universe (B):
Remember your journey from stardust to earth-dust.
Universe (A):
Remember your mother/father God
through whom and in whom you have energy and mass,
form and being.
Universe (B):
Remember that all things of earth are holy.
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.17.All Things of Earth – Full Score
All things on Earth are holy,
All things are one in you.
This earth is filled with your beauty, God,
Charged with your love.
Universe (A):
And the way of the mountain is also remembering
your human joys and sorrows as found in the life,
death and continuing presence of Jesus the Christ.
Universe (B):
Remember the Inner Christ, God within you,
transforming your weaknesses and liberating your divine
potential until you become
sign of God,
presence of God,
co-worker with God.
RESPONSE (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.18.We are sign of God – Full Score
We are sign of God, presence of God, co-workers with God.
Thanksgiving is remembering to live with hope.
HYMN (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.19.All Will Be Well – Full Score
ALL WILL BE WELLA hymn based on the words of Julian of Norwich
“All will be well and all manner of thing(s) shall be well”
All will be well, all things shall be well!
This is the peace of the deep blue dream,
This is the light of divinity,
This is the flow of love’s healing stream.All will be well, all things shall be well!
Deeper than pain lies buried delight,
Deeper than grief dwell life’s joyful songs,
All of our wounds can nurture new light.Now is the time to dance heaven’s dance,
Time to discern eternity’s face,
Moment of knowing beyond all sight,
Day of God’s smile and tender embrace.
Thanksgiving is giving glory to God.
RESPONSES (Choir and Solo)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.20.Glory to you O God – Full Score
Glory to you, O God;
In the midst of suffering and death
We find hope;
Through the gift of new life we share your wholeness
And beyond all our endings we encounter
The mystery of your love.
SoloClick here to see the score: Wallace.20a.May We Know Your Mystery – Full Score
May we know your mystery, O Universe, all the days of our life.
ChoirClick here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.21.To You, Creative and Empowering God – Full Score
To you, creative and empowering God,
Be all glory and praise,
Here and everywhere,
Now and forever, Amen.
ppt. 18Human Being:
What is the way of the River?
Universe (A):
It is the way of process;
of breaking and flowing,
of life from death,
of joy from sorrow,
of creation from destruction.
Universe (B):
It is the way soil comes from stone,
seed from shell,
rain from cloud,
symbols from words,
spirit from images,
and pilgrim food from broken bread.
Universe (A):
It is also the way of outpouring;
spilt blood,
smashed atoms,
exploding stars,
dying trees,
wilting flowers,
devoured animals,
human flesh dissolved into the elements
and wine poured as sign of death and destruction
gathered up within the flow of the endless river of life.ppt. 19HYMN (Choir)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.22.Taste and See – Full Score
Taste and see how gracious the Christ is,
Taste and see the wonder of life;
Take the bread, the Body of Jesus,
Break the bread, the flesh of the world;
Taste and see the wonder of life.Taste and see how gracious the Christ is,
Taste and see the wonder of life;
Take the wine, the life-blood of Jesus,
Pour the wine, the pain of the world;
Taste and see the wonder of life.Taste and see how gracious the Christ is,
Taste and see the wonder of life;
Walk the earth with bare-footed reverence,
Smell the soil, the rain and the sea;
Feed your heart with wonder-filled life.Taste and see how gracious the Christ is,
Taste and see the wonder of life;
Hear the sound of children’s bright laughter,
Cries of pain and tears of the poor;
Then let silence nurture your heart.Taste and see how gracious the Christ is,
Taste and see the wonder of life;
Through each form, each texture and color,
Line and hue, the light and the shade;
Taste and see the wonder of life.Taste and see how gracious the Christ is,
Taste and see the wonder of life;
Drink the wine of love’s costly service,
Celebrate Life’s Eucharist now;
Taste and share Christ’s Body and Blood.
(Gong )
ppt. 20Human Being:
Lastly, O Universe, what is the truth of blessing?
Universe (A):
The Earth itself is a blessing
and you are part of Earth;
the atoms and cells of your body,
the thoughts of your mind,
the passions of your heart,
the wisdom of your gut,
Universe (B):
All are blessings you can share.
HYMN (Choir or All)
Click here to hear it:
Click here to see the score: Wallace.23.To God The Process – Full Score
Gloria! Gloria!
To God the process, God the life,
To God compassion’s spring,
To God the boundless way of love,
To God in everything.
To God the inner Christ of faith,
To God the wine and bread,
To God the sacred energy,
The fabric and the thread.To you, O God, we sing our praise,
We join the cosmic song.
We walk the path that Jesus walked,
We turn our thoughts from wrong,
For you delight in each of us
And we delight in you;
With hearts on fire, we live your praise,
In all we think and do.Universe:
May your life be a spirited life and your spirit love.
Choir or All
Amen, Amen, Amen, O God,
To you be endless praise.
Shalom, Shalom, Shalom, O God,
Our hearts to you we raise,
For you empower and you fulfill
Our latent energy;
The Universe within our lives
Shall dance your liturgy.
Gloria! (repeat last measure of first line of hymn)
( Gong )
Music and Text CopyrightsUnless otherwise specified all Texts and original Melodies are Copyright to
Author/composer: William Livingstone Wallace.
Musical settings and accompaniments are Copyright to the named Arrangers
Other musical items are either (a) in the public domain, or (b) copyright permission has been obtained.Note that Selah Publishing Co Inc retains the copyright for the following:
All things of Earth.
All will be well.(Text only)
Between our thoughts.(Text only)
Deep within me.
We come from the Cosmos.(Music only)
What does our God require of us?
With God we shape compassion’s robe.(Text only)
MP3 Audio Files
O Golden Doors Now Open Wide: Wallace Woodley
We come from the Cosmos: Wallace Woodley
Response “Sanctum, sanctum”: A Methodist Conference Choir
Response “Sanctum, sanctum”: Wallace Woodley
Response: “O Universe” Jillian Bartram
Response “O Web of Life” Jillian Bartram
Deep Within Us: Moragh Brooksbank
Response “Forgiveness” Jillian Bartram
In the Letting Go: Moragh Brooksbank
What does our God require of us? Napier Anglican Cathedral Choir
How Happy Are Those: Wallace Woodley
Response “Each is reflected”: Wallace Woodley
Come let us think like mountain rocks: Anne Lamont
Between Our Thoughts: Anne Lamont
No-one can share my inner space: Jillian Bartram
O God of sky and God of Earth: Wallace Woodley.
With God we shape compassion’s robe: Anne Lamont
All Things of Earth: Moragh Brooksbank
Response “We are Sign of God”: Wallace Woodley
All Will Be Well: Anne Lamont
Response “Glory to You, O God”: Wallace Woodley
Response “To You, creative and empowering God”: A Methodist Conference Choir
Taste and See: Napier Anglican Cathedral Choir
To God the Process: Napier Anglican Cathedral ChoirTopics: Arts and Music, Social & Environmental Ministry, Spiritual Exploration & Practice, and Worship & Liturgy. 8 Points: Point 4: Act As We Believe, Point 5: Non-Dogmatic Searchers, Point 7: Integrity of the Earth, and Point 8: Compassion and Selfless Love. Seasons & Special Events: All Seasons. Texts: Daniel, Matthew, and Micah. Resource Types: Audio MP3, Ceremony, Full Service Liturgies, Gather, Hymns, Listen, and Music.
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