Salt of the Earth Liturgy

From St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Washington D.C.


Presider:          It was a dull, tasteless thing;

People:              This life, before salt.


Presider:          It was a dark, meaningless thing;

People:              This life, before light.


Presider:          Then, he came, we thought to do what he…

People:              To our surprise, expected of us, saying,

You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.



Presider:          Let us pray.

All                        O God, as salt poured from its shaker flavors our food, by your Spirit, set us free from our attachments to the safe containers, at times confinements, of our existence.  Send us out to season your world with your love.  In our loving, let us be as light that dispels the darkness of injustice.  As salted light, may all whose lives we touch know that you create us holy and call us to become whole.  Amen.



Isaiah 58: 1-9a

Matthew 5:13-16



O God, though holy you are in your divine otherness, you, in love, delight in making manifest your presence in the world you have made; and we, your people, who dwell at one with all creation, rejoice to receive your revelation.


Especially on this day, as we recall the words of Jesus, declaring that in him we are as light and salt in the world, dispelling the darkness of injustice, seasoning and preserving all life with love.


And we, O God, gather around your table, offering the reverence of our love, praying that you, always first loving us, will feed and strengthen our souls anew that we may present ourselves in righteous service with all people.  In our trust in you, we lift our voices with shouts of praise.


Jesus, though God’s love incarnate with and for all, in presenting his life to you O God day by day as a living sacrifice embracing the poor and the oppressed, stirred the powers and principalities of this world, set in their ways of dominion, to oppose him and bring about his death.


On the night he was delivered into the shadow of the cross, Jesus, gathering for a last supper with his friends, took bread, gave thanks, broke it, saying: “This is my body, I give to you.  Eat and remember me.”  Following supper, in the same way, Jesus took and blessed the cup, saying, “This, my blood, I pour out for you.  Drink and remember me.”


As we eat this bread and drink this cup…

ALL:   We seek spiritual strength to share with the world his work of love and justice.


Now, O holy God, bestow your Spirit, breathe upon these gifts of bread and wine that they may be food for our spirits, a feast for our souls!

ALL: Amen


Let us pray:

ALL:  O God, our eternal Mother and Father,
we, your children honor your name as holy;
laboring for your kingdom of just love, and
praying for fulfillment of your will.
Sustain us with the bread of strength for each day,
and, as we fall short of your will, pardon our sins
as we pardon all who sin against us.
Spare us from all trial and tribulation;
yet, as they befall, save us from all haunt of evil.
For in your reigning kingdom, power, and glory we rejoice,
now and forever.  Amen.



As Jesus welcomed all to the banquet of his life and love, we who follow him do likewise.  Whoever we are, from wherever we have come, whatever we believe,

PEOPLE:  All are welcome to our communion table.  Amen.



Presider:          Together, let us pray.

All:                       In the assurance of our souls strengthened by this spiritual food, may we leave the comfort of this place, returning to a world of need to open our hearts and hands in loving service.  Through our words and works in the world, may we, as bearers of light, transform the world in hope.  Amen.



Presider:          May the power that gives light to the stars, that gives breath to every living thing, enkindle in us the fire of zeal and empower us with strength and courage that we, as bearers of love and justice, become living blessings for the world.

All:                       Amen.



Presider:          Alleluia!  Alleluia! Jesus declares that we, in him, are salt and light!

All:                      May we, by faith, season the world with love and dispel all darkness of injustice.  Alleluia!  Alleluia!


Topics: Worship & Liturgy. 8 Points: Point 1: Teachings of Jesus and Point 6: Peace and Justice. Seasons & Special Events: All Seasons. Texts: Matthew. Rituals: Communion. Resource Types: Full Service Liturgies.

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