A Safe Space: Progressive Clergy Support Group
Decompress. Share. Feel seen. Be real.
Stay as anonymous as you wish. Your parishioners, congregants, local colleagues, subordinates, and superiors needn’t know that you are cracking around the edges, losing hope, etc.
Time to just be you in this terrible time.
Rabbi Brian Zachary Mayer of Religion-Outside-The-Box moderates progressive clergy of all denominations in a safe space.
Next, Wed. Nov. 11th Open House
* Stop in to check it out. Test the water. See you then.
* Join — November 11th at 4pm EST/1pm PST
Sessions Nov. 18th – Dec. 2332rd
* Wednesdays at 4pm EST/1pm PST
* First person per denomination to register has the right to ask that there be no one else in that denomination
* 6-weeks
* Nov 18th – Dec 23rd • 4pm EST/1pm PST
* Pay from your heart suggested donation
With love,
Rabbi Brian, ROTB.ORG
Ask if you have any questions email me: rabbi_brian@rotb.org.
Forward to any clergy person you think might be interested.
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