“This is my body.”

This body knows what it is like to have a nice house and a good job
It knows what it is like to feel uneasy about being wealthy

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Deeper Love: Communion Meditation

For deeper love we spread the bread
I won’t be full till all are fed
Till every soul has home and bed
The rest of us can’t move ahead

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Here Is Bread and Here Is Wine

Here is bread and here is wine,
Food and drink we savor with delight;
Now upon this altar blessed,
Moving us beyond our taste and sight.

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Deeper Love: A Song for Communion

For deeper love we spread the bread
I won’t be full till all are fed
Till every soul has home and bed
The rest of us can’t move ahead

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Invitation to the Sacrament

The invitation is announced
To greatest and to least;
For all are welcome; “Come with us;
Share this symbolic feast.”

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Jim Burklo’s Book of Common Prayer- Liturgical Elements

We are here to praise and enjoy God with body and soul, mind and heart, with song and word, with hands and feet.
We are here to give because of the abundance God has given us, to share with each other, and to receive, because God has created us to depend on each other.
We are here to celebrate the differences that otherwise might divide us: differences of age, of body, of culture, of opinion, of ability, of religious conviction.
We are here to put things in perspective: to celebrate what matters, to laugh about things we take too seriously, to cry about things that truly touch our hearts.
So may it be this morning: Amen!

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Eucharistic Prayer on Pentecost

Presider: God be with you
People: And also with you
Presider: Open your hearts
People: We open our hearts to God

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Scapegoats and Lightning Rods (Matthew 27:27-44)

The image of a scapegoat recalls a ritual performed by ancient Israel on their holiest day of the year—Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. A goat was chosen by means of casting lots. Actually there were two goats chosen, one was killed as a sin offering to make atonement for the holy place, the other was allowed to live to make atonement for the sins of the people.

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Eucharistic Prayer for the Second Sunday in Lent

Presider: God be with you.
People: And also with you.
Presider: Open your hearts.
People: We open our hearts to God.

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Salt of the Earth Liturgy

From St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Washington D.C.

Presider: It was a dull, tasteless thing;
People: This life, before salt.

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Transfiguration Eucharistic Prayer

Presider: God be with you
People: And also with you
Presider: Open your hearts
People: We open our hearts to God

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Food for Thought: February 2 – The Presentation of the Lord

In the midst of the liturgical progression from Epiphany to Lent, tradition calls the church back to the mundane details of Jesus’ infancy. Luke’s Chapter 2 fills in the story from birth to circumcision to presentation as the first-born son to the coming-of-age of a gifted religious leader anointed by God. In The First Christmas (HarperOne, 2007), Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan suggest that Luke’s purpose was to set up the birth of the Jewish Messiah as a counter to the birth of the Roman Caesar – also hailed as the “Savior, Redeemer, Son of God.” The scene in the temple in Jerusalem confirms the child Jesus as the expected one who would redeem Israel from bondage to imperial injustice and oppression.

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Cosmic Christmas Communion

From grains, bread connects us to soil and a three billion year old process. Photosynthesis, first begun when ocean organisms, earth’s first populations, with neither brains or bibles, learned how to create a chlorophyll molecule. Since then all biological life is able to trap, store, and convert sun’s energy into food that sustains both the plant and that specie’s place in the food chain. Like the elements connect Christians to the nourishing ways of Jesus, food unites us to our ecology and the life-sustaining ways of nature itself. Communion, it is not only a rite of Christianity, it is the evolutionary levan in the Earth story itself.

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Communion Invitation

All are invited to the communion table were we celebrate Jesus’ understanding of life and death.

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Advent Eucharistic Prayer

Presider: O come, Emanuel, into our longing hearts.
People: We lift our hearts to You
Presider: As we gather around this table
People: In expectation and hope.

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Written March 2, 1997

Take and eat: take and meet
This is my body: I am the bread
The bread of life, the bread of lives

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Sacrament of Holy Communion

Leader: God is the heart of life.
All: And we are the heartbeat.
Leader: May your hearts be filled with thanks and praise and songs of joy.

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Nonviolent Communion Liturgy

When Jesus sat at tables and broke bread with tax collectors, lawyers, rich elites, and poor peasants, he proclaimed that God’s gracious love and abiding presence know no bounds.

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