Namaste Easter Liturgy

We proclaim and celebrate this Easter season because it links Jesus with all life, with transformation, and with possibility of life beyond our imagining. Easter offers meaning and hope to all people.

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The Stations of the Cross and the Beatitudes, Week 4

A Guide to Spiritual Practice for Lent

Beatitude Four: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.”

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A Lenten Journey

When we look at the entire story of Jesus, including his teachings as well as his life, it seems clear his path always presumed a spiritual death before one could experience new life or rebirth. His hodos required a death to the old before there could be a birthto a new way of seeing, a new way of understanding and experiencing life.

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The Stations of the Cross and the Beatitudes, Week 3

A Guide to Spiritual Practice for Lent

Beatitude Three: “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” The word “meek” might better be interpreted as “gentle” or “considerate”.

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Standing Before the Cross

I am standing before the cross in all its brutality
And feel overwhelmed by the enormity of it all.
Why could the church not have a nice
Life-affirming symbol instead of a cross?

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The Stations of the Cross and the Beatitudes, Week 2

A Guide to Spiritual Practice for Lent

Beatitude Two: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Luke 20: 21 says: “Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.”)

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Lenten Haiku

the world weighs heavy
our brokenness wearies us
and yet God is here

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The Stations of the Cross and the Beatitudes, Week 1

A Guide to Spiritual Practice for Lent

This guide focuses on the Beatitudes of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, and on the fourteen Stations of the Cross, which symbolize the events remembered on Good Friday.

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Children’s Litany for Lent

Children ~ This first Sunday of Lent, we give up the idea that we have no voice.

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Sara Kay: On The Way

Soulful music that combines elements of folk, blues, jazz, and gospel. Lyrics are spiritual yet progressive, philosophical yet earthy, and realistic yet hopeful. The topics include: enjoying the sacredness of daily life, finding hope in difficult times, …

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Faces of Fasting

Simone Weil was a Jewish philosopher from France who was hungry for God, and found God through Christianity – even though she never became a Christian…For her, being hungry for God was the way to have God. Yearning for God was her experience of God.

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Lent: A 40 Day Fast

Who are we? Jesus responded to the Jews preparing to stone him: “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, you are gods?'” John 10:34

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Journey Toward Faith: A Lenten Sermon on John 3:16

Readings: Genesis 12:1-4a John 3:1-17  We have before us this morning what I would consider one of the most misused, misunderstood texts in the entire Scripture. One single verse has provided motivation for some of the most …

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