There’s no two-ness in God

From the Boundless Life collection

There’s no two-ness in God the mystic said, *
No two-ness in God at all.
All the things are as one in Jesus Christ, +
All things are as one said Paul.

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In the letting go we find life

From the Boundless Life collection

In the letting go we find life:
For deeper than the striving is the flowing,
Deeper than the searching is the knowing
And deeper than the grieving is the mystery
In which darkness and light are one.

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We believe in a mystery we call God

From the Boundless Life collection

We believe in a mystery we call God,
A mystery beyond definition,
A flame that is glimpsed through darkened glass,
The hope of our human condition.

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Not in grasping or in holding shall we find God

From the Boundless Life collection

Not in grasping or in holding shall we find God,
Not in seeking power or serving narrow needs,
But in letting go with joyful expectation
We shall meet the God beyond all creeds.

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Word Jazz

To be recited with the accompaniment of a saxophone

In the beginning is the Word
And the Word is with God
And the Word is God
And the Word is the bird
That Jesus talked about

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God Is the Rock

From the Boundless Life collection

God is the rock of mystic presence,
Christ is the rock that points the way,
Earth is the rock that births our life-force ,
Flesh is the rock where lovers play.

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Through the star-filled realms of evening

From the Boundless Life collection

Through the star filled realms of evening
Shines heavenly light.
Daylight gifts a space for working,
Rest comes with night.

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“Kill your own child” God seemed to say (Abraham and Isaac)

From the Boundless Life collection

“Kill your own child” God seemed to say with firmness,
“For children satisfy a god’s desire.”
So Abraham brought Isaac in obedience
To sacrifice upon the altar’s fire.

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As Swimmers Dare

A poem by Denise Levertov

One of Marcus Borg’s favorite examples of how poetry enriches liturgy:

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The cup of our living

From the Boundless Life collection

The cup of our living flows over its rim
And minds have no room for the fresh or the new,
For minds that are sated have stopped in their tracks
And ceased to be open to God’s widening view.

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Behind the world of images

From the Boundless Life collection

Behind the world of images
There’s nothing we can see.
Behind the realm of sound and word
There’s nothing we can hear.

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Let Opposites All Share

From the Boundless Life collection

Let opposites all share a common space,
The inner and the outer be as one;
Each mind reflect life’s interweaving grace
And hearts all find God’s presence deep within.

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Within, between and far beyond

From the Boundless Life collection

Within, between and far beyond
Form journeys of the pilgrim way
Exploring myst’ry’s sacred realms,
Entwining darkness with the day.

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For Each, Their Own

Our created and conscious selves were, some way, divinely brought about
The figurative “hand of God” as eternally present, there’s very little doubt!

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When we have moved beyond the realm of words

From the Boundless Life collection

When we have moved beyond the realm of words
And emptiness replaces all our thought,

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Praise the Source of Faith and Learning

Hymns words by Thomas Troeger

Praise the source of faith and learning
that has sparked and stoked the mind
with a passion for discerning
how the world has been designed.

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Word of God

Word of God from Bible page,
Sacred wisdom for life’s way,
Framed within a distant age,
Breaking forth in power today.

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We Can’t Stop Asking Questions

From a very different culture,
Flowing from some ancient place,
Stories in our sacred scripture
Authored by a diff’rent race.

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