The Earth Is Yours

With optional responses

Oh, nurturing God we thank you for the seeds
The source is yours and all in it

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Call to Worship

Drawn by God’s presence. . .
. . .we gather
Inspired by God’s spirit. . .
. . .we worship

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Charge our hearts with wonder

From the Boundless Life collection

Charge our hearts with wonder,
God of sheer delight,
As we sense your presence
Filling day and night.

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If heaven is more than simply a place

From the Boundless Life collection

If Heaven is more than simply a place,
If pictures of God evolve evermore,
If love is affirmed as life’s highest grace
The mystery remains, the sacred expands
To gift compassion’s transforming embrace.

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When masks of God both age and die

From the Boundless Life collection

When masks of God both age and die,
With intervening deities,
As doctrines lose their rigid hold
And freedoms grow like forest trees

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Leave behind illusion’s ways

From the Boundless Life collection

Leave behind illusion’s ways
Culture plants within the mind,
Clothed in vestments of the faith
Masking truths we need to find,

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When prayers were words

I felt like

I was failing

a sentence prayer exam.

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No one can share my inner space

From the Boundless Life collection

No one can share my inner space;
There I am alone, yet not alone,
For you are there, O God,
Deeper than my thinking,

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An awakening is beginning

From the Boundless Life collection

An awakening is beginning,
The half living now arise.
All those scales which they accepted
Are now falling from their eyes.

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When prayers were words
I felt like
I was failing
a sentence prayer exam.

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God wake us from illusion

From the Boundless Life collection

God wake us from illusion, rouse us from our dream,
Free us from believing that things are as they seem.
Though everything seems solid which we can see or clutch
The quantum space within them is something we can’t touch.

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Let opposites all share

From the Boundless Life collection

Let opposites all share a common space,
The inner and the outer be as one;
Each mind reflect life’s interweaving grace
And hearts all find God’s presence deep within.

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Look behind the festive scene

From the Boundless Life collection

Look behind the festive scene
Both to factory and land;
Contemplate the labour force
Using both the mind and hand.

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In nature as in Jesus

From the Boundless Life collection

In nature as in Jesus,
All life is truly one,
But we divide Christ’s mantle
And drown Creation’s song,

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The World Within (in praise of water)

From the Boundless Life collection

The world within and world outside
Both rest within God’s caring.
When inner streams unite with seas
They herald total sharing.

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Come, let us think like mountain rocks

From the Boundless Life collection

Come, let us think like mountain rocks,
Come breathe the song of scented breeze;
Come join the atoms’ quantum dance,
Come weep with all the fallen trees.

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Blossoming Sound

I feel the holy at work
standing by myself
in the sanctuary of the Good Shepherd

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Most Holy Presence

An anthem in four parts

Most Holy Presence, fount of all becoming,
in you we live and move and have our being.

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