Blessing Litany

One: A Blessing on you who are poor
Many Yours is the household of God
One A blessing on you who mourn
Many: you shall be comforted

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Be Like a Child

Something really bothers me Lord
You said that we have to be like little children
But I’ve just come from my sister’s house
And my little nephew was there
And he was having a right tantrum

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A Mock Conversation about Hell

What I have done, is I have laid out a mock conversation between myself and a questioning lay-Christian. I don’t say that as a slight, but as a description of many Christians who don’t really study theology all that much. This believer’s main contention, as you will see, will be that I cannot possibly conclude that all will be saved, as the bible clearly states that some will in fact be lost (to eternal conscious torment in this case). But, unlike many of my experiences, this conversation will be respectful, and so the fruit of it will be no doubt good. I may not sway Mr. Christian, as I have generically named him, but I will at least have said what I would want to say, all due to his respectful nature.

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Religious Peace

The ‘Sacred’ has so many names
By which we do adore
The mys’try of the universe,
The ever puzz’ling ‘More’.

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Source of physical being; help me to hear you in my body. Teach me to tend to my physical needs and be aware of my bodily conditions.

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Chocolat- a classic movie of love and the message of inclusion

Just in time for Valentines Day, this movie is a classic treat of the senses and the spirit! And with the theme of inclusion and the true teachings of Jesus, this fits right in here at PC.org. Watch it with your sweet ones.

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The Words of the Eucharist

I was . . . suddenly so uncomfortable with the words I have always known to say during communion

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God Is a Verb

Written by Kris Minister

God is a verb
Living within you and me
Fleshing our flesh
Rejoicing our joy
Crying our sorrow
And empowering us to swim upstream.

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A Spiritual Self-Portrait — More than a Dream

A painter’s easel stands before me as I rest quietly in a dream-like state of sleep
Prompted to express my spiritual self with color and brush strokes of my choice

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I See God

Written by Buckminster Fuller

I see God in
the instruments and the mechanisms that
more reliably than the limited sensory departments of
the human mechanism.

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Written by Matt Carriker

Spiritual growth always happens most when we cross borders,
in whatever form those borders take.
God did not create borders.
Humans did.

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Song of Simon Magus (Acts 8)

Eggs won’t stick on my magic frying pans
Spots won’t grow on my wonder-creamed hands

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Goodness Uplifts Wisdom

1 The roots of decency spread deep in the earth of Goodness, and no turmoil can disturb them.
2 In the eyes of the selfish, the upright appear to be unhinged; their humility is seen as weakness,

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Enter my hearing, Oh, silence
Soften my sight with love
Rid my thoughts of harshness
Open my search for good

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A Man to Imitate

There once was an extraordinary young man
born in Nazareth centuries before
airplanes, cars, or computers
but a man in many ways similar
to you and I.

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Boundless Love

Boundless love in all creation,
Source and pulse of human life,
Unseen hope of every nation,
Healer of disease and strife;

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How the “I’m Special” Confirmation Bias Ruins the Bible

The bumper sticker that jokingly says, “God loves us all, but I’m His favorite,” points to a much bigger problem that absolutely ruins much of what we read, (or, more precisely, interpret) from the Bible. Everybody wants …

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They’re Carted Off Like Cattle

They’re carted off like cattle,
yet we’d refuse a bed
to those who flee from carnage
now drowned, or lost or dead?

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