Environmental stewardship is defined in Wikipedia as “…the responsible use and protection of the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices.” Inasmuch as most business on the planet is controlled by a small number of corporations, these are the words that must apply to these biggest of multi-nationals: responsible, protection, conservation, and sustainable practices. Would that they did.
read moreGood stewardship of the Planet is part of the movement for “Eco-justice”: leaving the resources in the ground; insuring a legacy of life for future generations; treating the Planet as an autonomous organism, whose continuing survival depends on the health of its interconnected systems: the earth, the air, the fire, the water.
read moreTHEME: The unravelling that relates everything to each other.
read moreAs I glance in the mirror, there’s a reflection I see
I stare forward towards the image, it’s actually me!
O God, so awesome yet so near:
We come to this room tonight with hearts that love You, with hearts that love a book that tells us about You, with hearts that love the Church which has taught us about You.
read more For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies
For the love which from our birth over and around us lies
Lord of all to you we raise this our hymn of grateful praise
1. The earth may be our mother but we can be her mid¬wife or her funeral director.
2. Nature is a web of interdependency not a series of separate hierarchical layers.
I look about, and when I do, I see the wond’rous sight
Of the cycles of the cosmos, changing darkness into light;
When I ponder on this miracle, I’m swamped with great delight;
God’s resurrection way!
1. In the beyond lies the everywhere, in the within dwells our heaven.
2. The only heaven God lives in is the heaven that is everywhere; for God is not limited to any time or space, but is present in all equally.
The longing to know our Creator seems to be an innate human trait
A God-presence yearned for, to be revealed — never in life too late
May the fire in us nurture the Earth and not consume its life.
May the fire in us consume our greed and save this sacred Earth.
read moreOver and over again in the gospels we find Jesus face to face with a person in need of healing, in need of reconciliation with God, a person whose soul is burdened.
read moreHoly is my birth and sacred is my mother.
read moreGive me warmth in my loving,
Strength through forgiving,
Peace in my being,
Today and all my life.
Leader: Creator God to you we pray; –
All: Help us hear your children’s cry.
Leader: Most joyful God to you we pray; ‑
All: Help us share your children’s joy.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen.
read moreWe give thanks for the plants,
Give thanks for the creatures
Whose flesh supplies this meal.