The other tack that emerged, however, was to concede that Christian conservatives may need to change the tone if not the substance of their message in order to appeal to voters who are increasingly non-male, non-white and …
read moreYou’ve probably heard by now that if Obama wins a second term we will become a socialist nation, gun ownership will be made illegal, our country will be unrecognizable by the end of his term, and on …
read moreIn the Washington Post’s On Faith section, Sally Quinn, whose last noticed piece of writing was a much-ridiculed lament about the decline of the Washington power dinner party, is out this afternoon with quite possibly one of the most slipshod treatments of religion …
read moreVIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – Mitt Romney wants to be clear: He’s not taking “God” off the nation’s money or out of his party’s platform. In a not-so-veiled attack on President Barack Obama, Romney on Saturday delivered a …
read moreThe data continue to roll in, and they are telling us we are in the process of bringing an end to the world we evolved in, and creating a new, harsher world. We will be forced to …
read moreWith the nominating contest all but over, attention now turns to the electoral map and the key states that will decide the Romney vs. Obama 2012 contest. While more than a few reporters are heading to Utah …
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