January 6 is traditionally celebrated as Twelfth Night, or the Feast of the Epiphany. It’s one of the oldest celebrations of the Christian Church, but over the years the particular traditions associated with it have diverged, just as the strands of the church have diverged. In Western Christianity, Epiphany is associated with the visit of the Magi; in Eastern Christianity, with Jesus’ baptism. In some denominations, it is celebrated as the end of the Christmas season; in others, it is hardly noticed at all! Traditions are like that, and we hold on to the ones that, for whatever reason, are meaningful to us.
May Love Divine fill all our hearts, our bodies, minds and souls.
Let’s love our neighbours as ourselves as Spirit makes us whole.
On a stony trail through the Sinai wastes
A little family headed south
Father, mother, little babe
A burdened donkey, head drooped down
Praise God for gifts of hope and peace
Praise God for gifts of joy and love
Praise God for sending Christ to dwell
On earth for us – Emmanuel. Amen.