Most of us have let go of the God-metaphor from our childhoods — the old man with a beard who lives in the sky (aka “the Sistine Chapel God”). But we are such visual creatures that we almost can’t help ourselves, and we have to invent new pictures to take the place of the old one. A metaphor for our times, a visual image that is of help when we form our prayers or read our scriptures. My current favorite is God-as-force-field. Unseen yet pervasive, imminent and transcendent. What visual image have you created to capture your sense of the Sacred?
God wants us to know where we live,
to open our senses to now
and this and here,
because wherever we are is God.
Do not let the Christian doctrine of the Trinity alienate you from the oneness of God; for God is both the many and the one.
read moreWise and loving God:
Sometimes we have come to you like little children with broken toys to be fixed. Many times you have healed our broken hearts and frayed relationships.