
Weddings have become in many cases amazingly elaborate productions.

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“In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.” Gandhi

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Life-long Learning

In this season of graduations, we celebrate the learning that continues on past school…

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  Once something we took for granted, created in our towns or schools or churches, community is becoming increasingly precious.  Social media give us new forms of community but without the in-person element.  My computer has yet …

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Pluralism Sunday May 3, 2020

“Diversity is inevitable. Pluralism is an achievement.” We sometimes use these words — diversity and pluralism — as if they meant the same thing.

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Earth Day 2020

How strange and wonderful is our home, our earth, with its swirling vaporous atmosphere, its flowing and frozen liquids, its trembling plants, its creeping, crawling, climbing creatures

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Sacred Places

There are places in the world that hold a special energy. You can feel it when you go there.

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Easter 2020

Some of the best advice I ever got from my spiritual director was to read Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi. “This will change how you think about Jesus,” she said.

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Re-imagining Holy Week

We’ve heard the story of Holy Week so many times that we’ve come to think there couldn’t possibly be another way to tell it.

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Jesus as Healer

“Preaching, teaching and healing” is the usual description of Jesus’ ministry.

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The Bible Revisited

Whatever your own stance is on interpreting the Bible, there’s no denying its place as a foundational source of literary references in our culture.

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God Is a Verb

“God is a verb” — one of those phrases that occurs independently to different people and then keeps showing up.

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To listen attentively is a great gift. It is more than just being quiet (or, as author Simon Sinek puts it, “There is a difference between listening and waiting for your turn to speak.”).

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There is an old, old story told in many cultures that goes something like this:

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Beginnings and Endings

Beginnings and endings are so connected… every beginning will eventually have an ending, and every ending makes possible a new beginning.

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Grief comes in all sizes, because loss comes in all sizes. Small sadnesses happen every day, and we mark them and move on. Intense sadness comes to everyone eventually, and we struggle not to be overwhelmed by it.

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Metanoia is a word worth learning. The Greek means literally “change your understanding” or “think differently.” In our modern parlance we might say, “Awaken!”

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Thank you, Marcus Borg

Progressive Christianity lost one of its giants last week with the death of Marcus Borg. His books and lectures opened up the academic world of historical Jesus studies to the rest of us, and we will be forever in his debt.

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Audacious Prayer

Audacious prayer is the cry of the heart. Mahatma Gandhi once wrote, “In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.”

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New Year

In one sense, New Year’s Day is no different than any other day. After all, the calendar we live by is a human construction.

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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is the culmination of the anticipation and preparation of Advent. This is what we have been waiting for and now it is here. Traditions – whatever yours are – hold comfort and connection. For a little while, our world keeps a different kind of time.

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Birth Poems

Reflecting on the birth of Jesus in poetry gives us yet another way to approach and assimilate this event. Birth is always a miraculous occurrence, and this birth even more so.

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Worship is a ‘receipt’ given to God in return for the divine gifts of life which we receive…. It is an artful response to our awe and wonderment at the miracle of creation which surrounds us…..

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Resurrection opportunities abound. Whenever we have faced a fear, a challenge, a death of some sort, and walked through the metaphorical fire to emerge re-born on the other side

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Favorite metaphors for the manifestation of Spirit include fire, white doves, and wind. What they have in common is movement…

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