In finding the version of the Lord’s Prayer that works for you or your church, there are many possibilities. You can decide to adopt a version in modern language, like the ones here. Or you can modify the language in the traditional version to make it more in keeping with progressive practices; for example, substituting the traditional “Our Father” with “Our Father/Mother” or “Our Creator”. At my church we’ve started to say “Hallowed be thy names.” What a difference an “s” makes! The understanding that God has many names and that all of them are sacred and all of them have something to teach us, is a hallmark of progressive Christianity.
Great divine spirit of love that is at the core of everything and from which all life flows,
We acknowledge your healing and transforming power.
Breath, love, hope, inspiration
— truth that sings forth from within
even as I am enveloped with its challenge,
O Divine Power of Creation
Hallowed be thy name
The mystery of thy grace be with us