We can be opposed to war in principle, and opposed to war in all its ugly specificities, and still express our gratitude and love for those who fight on our behalf. We owe our veterans more than we can possibly express. Their lives have been changed so that ours can remain the same. As Joseph Campbell said, “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”
Almighty foundation of all that is harmonious, lead us through this passing strife.
read moreLeader: We pause to remember those who go to war in our name.
Congregation: We give thanks for courage, for love of country, for those who work to bring peace to our world.
1. With open hearts we come this Anzac Day
To pay respect, to ponder and to pray;
We would reflect upon the pers’nal cost
Paid by those grieving and by all “the Lost.”