Book Review: “White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America

In the violent dusk of the Trump presidency, a staggering reversion in American demographics took place, or rather was revealed: white Mainline Christians, for the first time in decades, outnumbered evangelicals in a recent survey.

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When Engaged Buddhist Thich Nhat Hahn and Prophetic Christians Agreed on Peace and Justice

The recent death of “Engaged” Buddhist Thich Nhat Hahn has prompted new looks at his remarkable relationship with “prophetic” (proto-progressive?) Christians Martin Luther King, Jr., Thomas Merton, Daniel Berrigan and others that helped shape MLK’s dramatic and …

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Why Meditate? A Review of Mindful Christianity by Jim Burklo

Burklo’s book refocuses Christianity away from doctrine and belief to knowing God through mindful practice and the compassionate action that follows from an enlarged perspective.

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Zen and the Art of Coaching Basketball

A Review

This is an important book because it provides clear evidence that spiritual practices work. Imagine if the members of Congress meditated before the start of each session.

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I Need You to Survive – Belonging in a Radically Divided World

Auburn gathered individual groups of Black, Latinx, and White leaders of faith and moral courage to discuss what it means to belong to each other in a profoundly divided world.

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What I Learned From The Jews

Most years, sometime during the season of Lent, Jewish people observe Passover. I knew a little bit about it, but I learned a lot more at a friend’s son’s Bar Mitzva last week. The weekend of this Bar Mitzva included the Sabbath of the red heifer. I listened transfixed as the Rabbi spoke about it.

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Stations of the Cross – 2022

The practice of contemplating the Stations of the Cross, depicting the final hours of Jesus’ life, is a very old one. Many Catholic churches have gardens or sanctuaries in which the stations are situated.  Each of the 14 stations marks a point along the way to Jesus’ death.

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Mixed Reactions to Will Smith’s Slap

Smith may have thought he was defending Jada’s honor, but rather, he desecrated his intentions with his violence. Moreover,  to believe Jada could not defend herself is part and parcel of heteropatriarchy. Violence is merely one of its components. 

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Now’s a Good Time to Exercise Your Compassion Muscles

Now, I know Jesus taught his disciples to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them. And following Jesus is something I take super-seriously. But I’m angry and worried, and pretty much everyone in the United States is. It isn’t easy to follow those particular instructions.

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Loving Who You Are Becoming

Do you love who you are becoming?  Are you enjoying the giddy delight of tumbling down the flume?  Because in your delight in becoming, the Knower within you will transform your relationship to time, and usher you into the eternal now – the kin-dom of heaven on earth – where there is nothing to grasp, and everything to love…

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A Win for the World

The first win for the world would be a free, strengthened, unified, and rebuilt Ukraine. The bigger win for the world would be a Russian Federation that has the capacity to defend itself militarily but not the capacity to invade other nations. That would open the door to invite Russia into the new world economic order again.

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Matthew Fox: Essential Writings on Creation Spirituality

Selected with an Introduction by Charles Burack

In his Introduction to Matthew Fox, Dr. Burack recounts the life and influences that helped form Fox’s outlook and spirituality, from the medieval mystic Meister Eckhart to 20th century Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. The book then presents selections from all Fox’s major works.

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Confronting Christofascism: Healing the Evangelical Wound

Will democracy in America prevail, or will it be usurped by a confluence of fascism and evangelical Christianity?

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Wisdom Circles

A Guide to Self-Discovery and Community Building in Small Groups

Wisdom Circles shows readers how to form their own wisdom circles with friends and community members based on ten simple guidelines.

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As War Rages, this Lent is NOT the time for Fasting! – Spring Forth

    In the wilderness of these days, I find myself tempted to retreat from the world around me. The pandemic has trained me too well in the arts of isolation. Hunkering down in the safety of my …

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Practicing Spirituality in Winter

A month's worth of practices to explore the many moods and meanings of winter, including its pristine beauty and its many opportunities for playfulness.

The great Christian monk Thomas Merton once compared the spiritual life to the search for a path in a field of untrodden snow: “Walk across the snow and there is your path.”

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Freedom, Responsibility and the Moral Imperative

Even 150 years ago, it would appear the question of how much freedom was too much freedom was a debate with which our forebears had to wrestle. Their assertions were based on their divergent understandings of what the notion of freedom accorded them under our national constitution.

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Leaving Church?

before long, my grandchildren will be vaccinated, and I’ll be able to go back to church. But the haunting truth is, I’m not sure I want to return to an institution that consistently untethers itself from the life, example, spirit, and teachings of Jesus.

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