Thank You God

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

Thank you God for this beautiful Earth.
Thank you God for the wonder of life.
Thank you God for the blessing of love.

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All Things Are Connected

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

All things are connected
And everything is one,
The cells within our flesh,
The Moon, the stars, the Sun.

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Great Life-Force

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

Great Life-Force, God of all nurture;
Honor and praise to you.
Your peace and justice fill the Earth;
Honor and praise to you.

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Which Code Can Assist Us?

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

Which code can assist us
Uncover the fullness
Of living and loving
Which our spirits need?

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Call of the Songbird

From the Boundless Life collection

Call of the songbird rising to Heaven,
Movement of bird wings rainbows enshrining,
Color of sunset painting the evening,
Scent of the forest fragrance displaying

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Whose Streets? feat. Chris Blount and Slim Bracey – MP3

Inspired by the Occupy movement and the Arab Spring, it is an echo of these and a call for something larger.

Come on- brothers and sisters West to East
Don’t let these corporate suit and ties disrespect the streets
Lets be more than outsiders with an angry speech
It’s time to occupy, speak your peace, let’s go!

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The Energy of God

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

The energy of God,
Like yeast within the dough,
Can take a sterile life
And give it strength to grow.

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Jesus Christ Is Alive

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

Jesus Christ is alive and lives in me
As I touch the Christ within,
As I open my life
To the power of God’s love
I obey the Risen Christ.

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Stewards of the Climate

We are the stewards of this wondrous earth
With all its teeming life of priceless worth;
In all creation God is thus revealed
In birds and beasts, in forests and each field;

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Project Peace On Earth World Forgiveness Concert 2013 – Video

  Published on Dec 26, 2013 Inspired Grammy Winning Singers and Performers, Luminary Musicians and Thought Leaders unite in the 2013 Project Peace On Earth World Forgiveness Concert for Bethlehem on Christmas Day.   PPOE Picasso Peace Dove …

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Clearing the Shadow Moon- Incantation

Clearing lifetimes of Karma
through my heart
a portal of healing
draws us into love
beyond our fears
of separation

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King David

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

King David was a man of fire
Who sang and danced for God.
The raptures of his heart’s desire
Were sacred gifts from God.

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Abraham Had Stirring Dreams

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

Abraham had stirring dreams
That called for emigration.
Steadfast faith sustained his search
Despite its worst privation.

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God Is Within

From beginning to each ending
God is within.
Human and divine keep blending;
God is within.

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As Wind that Dances

From the Boundless Life collection

As wind that dances lightly round the clouds,
As sighs that come from loving’s warm caress,
As rising air that lofts the soaring bird
God’s Spirit can empower what we express.

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Within Our Life We Have Two Homes

Within our life we have two homes,
Known in our minds, and in our bones.
To one who often will return.
For one our spirits ever yearn.
For one our spirits ever yearn.

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Pilgrimage – Hope Medford – Music Video

Choreographer, Neille Arnold, created this dance to expresses the journey and struggle of a woman seeking her voice, and finding her power through the drum. It was performed live on stage at -SHEbeats- Hope’s CD release party in Minneapolis June 2013.

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To Our Winters

From the Boundless Life collection

To our winters Jesus brings
Light and warmth and dancing,
Melting frozen lives and hearts,
Freeing and enhancing.

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