Spiritual and Sustainable: Religion Responds to Climate Change

This interfaith conference addresses the issues and challenges of maintaining a sustainable planet. Focused on ways to engage, panelists examines the overlapping moral issues of climate change, sustainability, social justice, and mindfulness through the lenses of many of the world’s religious traditions.

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A More Relational Theology

My cousin Sally is struggling with her faith. She finds it difficult to attend church services because she can’t find one that will engage her questions or make her feel welcome. Sally was raised in a conservative Baptist tradition, and loves everything she learned about God and the teachings of Jesus, but challenges homophobia and the literal appropriation of the Bible as the only way she can remain a Christian. As a Presbyterian minister, I was able to reach out to my cousin Sally after almost 20 years, to let her know she was not alone in her questioning the relevance of Christianity in contemporary society.

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His Holiness the 17th Karmapa gives the CHUBB Fellowship Address at Yale University

As the spiritual head of the 900-year-old Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, has emerged as an important thought leader for our time. The Karmapa has been described as “a world spiritual leader for the 21st century.

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INSPIRING MOVEMENT 2013 – THIS IS LIFE – Andrea Catozzi ( Expression Acrobatics Dance )

I’m sorry…I don’t want to be an emperor, that is not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone, if possible. Jew, Gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness, not their misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another.

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Earth Guardians “Be The Change” Music Video filmed by HBO

The planet doesn’t need saving. We do. Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez is not your average 14 year old. Dubbed the ‘Anti-Beiber’, he is mobilizing his army of teens in 25 countries to demand greener policy from our world’s leaders

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Working to Live or Living to Work?

What’s Life without Moments? Vacations should be a time to go away and come together. From now on lets take our #WholeVacation

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Peia- Rise Again

How many times have we circled this fire, a prayer upon our lips?
How many times have we gone to the water’s edge to give thanks for these gifts?
And we will rise again, we will rise again. My people will rise again, We’ll rise.
So many times I’ve looked out across the ocean,
wondered what is it all for?

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Wrestling With God

The God of Genesis was almost omnipotent. But his extreme potency and his immortal nature prevented him from having the one ability he needed most in order to fully experience and enjoy the companionship of the human beings he had created: vulnerability.

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We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us

When it comes to things like Earth Stewardship, we progressives think that because we hold the value so highly our actions will automatically conform to our aspirations.  But this is seldom the case. In part, we fall short of our most noble aspirations because we are ignoring a big part of the issue.  We forget that we are not nearly as rational as we believe, but are shaped by invisible core beliefs that thwart our genuine desire to act differently.

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Worship Materials: Worship, Mystery and Our Cosmic Setting

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

THEME: The unravelling that relates everything to each other.

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A Godly Reflection

As I glance in the mirror, there’s a reflection I see
I stare forward towards the image, it’s actually me!

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Sacred Paths: A Journey Through the Big Questions

There is an exquisite diversity and beauty that can be found in the ‘Sacred Paths’ people choose to walk. This is a book that explores those paths. Women and men from a broad range of faiths, from Buddhism to Bahai, Christian to Pagan, Jewish Rabbi to Muslim, are asked five essentials questions; What Is God? What Is Faith? What Is ‘Evil’? What Is Contemplation? And finally, What Happens When We Die?

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The Church and the Nones

Some Thoughts About the Church

I believe the Christian Church is in need of a REFORMATION, and that it will happen only from ‘the bottom up’ and not from the ‘leadership structure of the church.’

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Eckhart Tolle, Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu & authors – “Educating the Heart and Mind-Creativity”

Panel discussion between Eckhart Tolle, Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu & the authors of “Educating the Heart and Mind-Creativity”

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“Conversion” Therapies Deadly Outcomes

I wish Leelah was alive today. She would know how a petition on the White House website with 120,000 plus signatures calling for the enactment of “Leelah’s Law to Ban All LGBTQ+ Conversion Therapy” not only went …

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No Matter

No matter the absence of stars
that leaves the night in darkness;
no matter the empty bowls
when the children are not fed;
no matter criminal words
are spoken without recrimination;

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Resuscitation or Resurrection?

If you look into a chrysalis, what you discover is an empty tomb. The caterpillar is gone; not resuscitated, but resurrected. Now lives a butterfly.

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Easter Virtue

Yes, we all will one day die; but not even death can bury the love and peace we have shared. Our acts of kindness, strivings for justice, and practices of compassion are the eternal verities that give our life meaning and purpose, and will put our death in the context of a life that cannot be denied.

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