In the last two centuries, theologians have been abandoning the view of divine revelation. This move has radically changed, if not actually rendered obsolete, the role once played by confessions and creeds.
read moreIt seems that Jesus’ body was hardly cold before his revolutionary, counter-cultural teachings were watered down and made safe for a society interested in economic survival in a controlling empire; in conforming, not transforming; in collaboration not covenant.
read morePaul’s interpretation of who Jesus was probably never crossed paths with the later gospel writers. Or, if it did, most of his theology was misunderstood.
read moreThe events in the life of Jesus of Nazareth did not happen in a vacuum, nor are these events history as history is now defined.
read moreThe events and characters that are described in Revelation are infused with a certain fundamental archetypal significance that can be applied to a wide array of individuals and situations—including ones in the present-day.
read moreFaith is not about getting our doctrines right. Nobody gets the doctrines right. It’s about doing the right things.
read moreMatthew 16:13-28; Romans 6:5-11 This commentary is going directly through Matthew without regard for the traditional Christian liturgical year, so will not skip to the end of the gospel to Jesus’ “great commission” to “make followers of …
read moreGregory C. Jenks latest book, The Once and Future Bible, offers lessons on making the bible relevant for today’s progressive believers.
read moreHarold Camping says that the rapture described in 1 Thessalonias 4 will occur on May 21, 2011, and that God will destroy the entire Universe on October 21, 2011. Unlike John the Baptist and Jesus, Camping offers no chance for salvation.
read moreSea Raven juxtaposes recent military events with the Gospel to make an eye-opening point about the cost of retributive justice.
read moreIn 1976, Albert Nolan published a brilliant study of the man from Galilee. Thirty-five years on, Jesus Before Christianity still demands our attention.
read moreMy core motivation for researching and writing the book was to understand the roots of fundamentalism — and how my own life fit into that story.
read moreWe have begun our Year Two Project! With over 300 groups using A Joyful Path, Year One, with only positive results, we’ve had a lot of inquiries lately as to when the second year of A Joyful Path, is coming out. We are pleased to announce that, thanks to a recent, generous donation, we are now ready to begin A Joyful Path, Year Two! We are committed to continuing the high level of scholarship, creativity, and quality found in A Joyful Path, Year One, so we are not expecting to have Year Two ready until Spring of 2013.
read moreMany parents, who don’t find the religion they learned as children very useful in their adult lives, still find themselves coming back to church with their children, hoping to give them a sense of community, ritual, and …
read moreIn the resurrection story that is recorded in Luke, there is a group of women who go to the burial place of Jesus to bring spices and oil to anoint Jesus’ body. This is different than the story depicted in the book of John where only Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb or in the book of Mark where three women, Mary Magdalene, Mary, Jesus’ mother and Salome go to Jesus’ burial place.
read moreJesus is seriously dead. None of the rest of it makes any sense otherwise.
read moreEaster Reflections for Christians, and for people who are not Christian as well, by Cara Hochalter. May speak to people who are “spiritual but not religious” who, like all of us, seek the fresh winds of the spirit and new births in love.
read moreI must admit that resurrection, then and now, remains a mystery – it can’t be defined in terms of literal flesh and bones or explained away as metaphor; nor is it helpful to speak of the pre-resurrection and post-resurrection Jesus. Jesus is a whole person reality, resurrection as rebirth and healing power characterized his teaching, healing, and hospitality
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