Why Christians Must Speak Out Against Christian Nationalism

I am deeply concerned about the rise of Christian nationalism in this country. I say this not just as a Christian but as the president of Pacific School of Religion (PSR), a progressive Christian seminary founded in 1866.

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Understanding Progressive Christianity with Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines

Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines sat down this week for an interview with Ciprian Khlud about the basics of Progressive Christianity.

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Flesh and Bones Forever: A History of Immortality

By Dag Øistein Endsjø

Learn about how people have sought physical immortality since the beginning of time, what means are employed to escape death, how various religions promise you eternal life, and about the men and women who are said to have already become immortal.

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Pontiff’s synod is not with the times

The polarization we see in society is also reflected in the Church.

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The Way: Meaningful Spirituality for a Modern World

“The Way” integrates religion and science and reconciles Eastern and Western worldviews, confirming with the mystics and the scientists that everyone is related, and everything is connected.

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The Church Repressed Critical Teachings of Jesus

Some of the most important aspects of Jesus teachings were repressed from the beginning. The Hebrews started the repression. The Roman Catholic Church expanded it. And by and large the Protestants followed.

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Smile, You’re a Progressive Christian!

You get no racism, no sexism, no homophobia, no classism…no negative stuff at all from Progressive Christians. You get positive people doing positive things.

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Why Retired Clergy Lose Faith and Leave Church

I belong to a support group of seven retired mainline clergypersons. Six of the seven no longer affirm historic, creedal, orthodox, traditional theology.

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What Our Politics Tells Us About the Christian Religion

It is now possible to answer the question of why Christians should engage in politics. The answer is simple: God is calling on them to do so with the whisper thoughts that float through their awareness

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This is Torah

I’m currently sitting in the 10+-year-old chair, listening to the sounds of rain on the top of the tent, and writing the words that will turn into this very article you are currently reading. It is my tradition to spend the evening and the day of Yom Kippur in a tent.

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Book Review: “On Repentance And Repair” by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg

I had long silently harboured a deep foundational belief that what the Church taught about forgiveness was wrong. My experiences of it being used by various Christian people, as well as the Church, against me to guilt me, reinforced it.

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My Preface

My hope is that you are interested in changing and evolving in your life. In order to change, we need to know where we came from, what we were originally taught (in religious school or by our parents and teachers), whether it is still applicable today, and what new directions we might want to follow.

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My Very Own Church Conflict

If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. If the member listens to you, you have regained that one. But if you are not listened to, take one or two others along with you, so that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. + Matthew 18:15-16

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Beyond Big Fundy

Meeting the Moment for Progressive Christianity

There’s a lot of criticism about Big Pharma, Big Government, and Big Business.  And there’s been plenty of talk for decades about the dangers of the military-industrial complex. What about Big Fundy? We should name it for what it is: the fundamentalist-industrial complex.

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Who Stole My Bible?

Reclaiming Scripture as a Handbook for Resisting Tyranny

The Bible has been hijacked. We’ve all seen examples of sacred scripture being used and abused to justify racism, sexism, reactionary politics, and even violence.

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Dancing in the Darkness

Spiritual Lessons for Thriving in Turbulent Times

Moss takes the words from our ancient Scriptures and prophetically applies them to our most urgent moral battles and choices; in ways that makes the Bible come alive again.

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Fierce Love

A Bold Path to Ferocious Courage and Rule-Breaking Kindness That Can Heal the World

We are living in a world divided. Race and ethnicity, caste and color, gender and sexuality, class and education, religion and political party have all become demographic labels that reduce our differences to simplistic categories in which “we” are vehemently against “them.”

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God on Psychedelics

Tripping Across the Rubble of Old-Time Religion

Why do relatively few people in the burgeoning psychedelic renaissance connect chemically induced  mystical states with their own religious traditions?

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