#Moonshine Jesus Show – October 17, 2022

Join Mark and Caleb as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of the film “Guardians of Time.”

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Fifty Years Later – Part 9

What is Sin?

Answering this question is both easy and difficult. The easy part is differentiating sin against God from plain old immorality, as well as from crime against society.

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Things That Matter: Confronting An Anti-LBGTQ+ Agenda

Watch us on “Things that Matter” for a discussion on how to confront the anti-LGBTQ+ agenda of white Christian nationalists in the time leading up to the next election.

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The Benefit of the Doubt

How Religious Doubts Can Lead to a More Mature Faith

Healthy doubt can save people from many toxic beliefs. For example, Christians need to doubt the horrific idea that God eternally torments people in the flames of hell for holding erroneous beliefs.

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Human Flourishing

Perhaps the best way to approach human flourishing is to visit a museum dedicated to civilizations’ demise.

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Fifty Years Later – Part 7

Is God Alive and well?

Creation and the health and activity of God go together.

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Study Guide for The Core Values of Progressive Christianity 2022- Spiral Bound

This study guide can be used for small group study, intentional communities, conferences, or any group who would like to delve more deeply into the history and the process of living out the core teachings of Jesus. There are discussion questions and space after each point for groups to come up with their own thoughts and ideas.

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Study Guide for The Core Values of Progressive Christianity 2022- PDF Download

This study guide can be used for small group study, intentional communities, conferences, or any group who would like to delve more deeply into the history and the process of living out the core teachings of Jesus. There are discussion questions and space after each point for groups to come up with their own thoughts and ideas.

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Fifty Years Later – Part 6

What does Creation Mean?

Even fifty years ago, whatever creation means, it does not mean that in seven days God brought the universe into being out of nothing.

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The Little Church That Turned the Tables on DeSantis and Abbott

  A little Episcopal church on Martha’s Vineyard flipped the anti-immigrant scripts of Governor Abbott and Governor DeSantis by embracing, with open doors and hearts, a group of migrants flown there from Texas and Florida. Such flights …

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – September 12, 2022

Join Caleb and Mark as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives as they look at the comic book classic and now Netflix hit “The Sandman.”

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – September 5, 2022

Join Caleb and Mark as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives as they look at Disney+’s newest entry into their Marvel lineup, the half-hour sitcom “She-Hulk.”

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Reawakening versus New Reformation

  Does Christianity need a New Reformation? A great many Protestant groups, including Progressive Christians, are likely to respond with a loud YES. However, every group is likely to point to different aspects needing reform, turning seeming …

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The Dying Church in the First Century

About 2022 years ago a man called Jesus was roaming the countryside of Galilee in Palestine. That’s the first we know about him. Before that, nothing.

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What Is Knowledge?

We all possess some of it. We can grow it. We can use it. We can share it. We can store it. We can even retrieve it, although our abilities to do so may diminish over time.

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A Debt-Free World

Although we don’t often think about it, the Lord’s Prayer is a takedown of Roman economics and politics. Jesus teaches his followers to leave behind the whole system of indebtedness that obligates people to Caesar.

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“This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius”

Looking from the Past to an Emerging Future

My thesis is that the dictates of history, our contemporary experience, and the demands of the future, tell us that the age of Christianity, and indeed all religions, is over, and a new grounding myth is showing glimpses of emerging. A new age is dawning.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – August 22, 2022

Join Caleb and Mark as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives as they look at the comic book classic and now Netflix hit “The Sandman.”

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