Be The Change- Luminaries- Music Video

“Be The Change You Wish To See In The World” — Mahatma Gandhi

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Should Progressive Christians Share their Faith? When Is it Appropriate?

When it comes to faith sharing there are two poles. At one end of the spectrum is the witness who is absolutely sure of himself. He is anchored in certitudes and has the truth nailed down. You want answers, he has them. He is bold and brass, if not arrogant and obtrusive. Most people who would read this article are embarrassed by this kind of Christian witness.

At the other end is the Christian who is very hesitant to saying anything at all about her faith. “It is the life I live that matters,” she says, which, of course, is true, but shouldn’t disciples of Jesus want to say something about Jesus, in whom and through whom they have found a transformative path?

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Process Philosophy, The Three Faces of God, and the Trinity- Sermon Video

What does the Doctrine of the Trinity look like if we reject the idea that it describes a permanent unchanging God? It describes a God as close as your breath, a God whose creative power continues to create, a God who we can see incarnate all around us.

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What Should We Teach our Children About Religion? – Sermon Video

Progressives are less interested in teaching the beliefs of our or any other religion. We are much more interested in teaching ethics, behavior, justice and compassion. We can demonstrate what it means to be a person of faith by telling the stories of modern prophets and saints: Gandhi, Dorothy Day, King, Mandela, Romero, Mother Teresa and others who have lived as examples of what it means to be people of faith. We must “preach the church to the church” telling the stories of those who are within our own community who have given of themselves in remarkable ways. If we want to raise a generation of leaders and heroes we must accept that we must set the example in the way that we practice our faith.

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Be Healthy Plan For Families

Written by Bob Moyers

Stop bad habits and addictions and distress by saying these words: I want to stop. I
can’t stop. Take away my desire. Be willing to admit shortcomings with a humble heart..
Use your super powers. You have the power to control love, encouragement,
forgiveness, truth, attitude, humility, and the words that come out of your mouth.
Say these wellness words as often as possible. I’m wrong. I’m sorry. Forgive me.
You did a good job. What is your opinion? I love you. Thank you. Please.
Make the decision to do the will of God each day.

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Bishop John Shelby Spong, “Why Christianity as We Know It is Dying”- Sermon Video

This is Bishop Spong’s first lecture in the “Future of the Progressive Church” conference held on August 3, 2013 at the Community Christian Church in Springfield, MO

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Theology From Exile Volume II: The Year of Matthew

Commentary on the Revised Common Lectionary for an Emerging Christianity (Volume 2)

The Year of Matthew is the second in a series of commentaries on biblical scripture found in the three-year cycle of Christian liturgical readings of the Revised Common Lectionary.

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Bound: an Earth Walker’s Handbook

Are there any fun theology books written with today’s reader in mind? Contemporary Christian thought leader Phyllis Tickle says “imaginative theologically and charming as well as rigorous, Bound, an Earth Walker’s Handbook is the best example I have ever seen of riveting and holy fun.”

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Study Questions for SOULJOURN

These are Study and Discussion Questions that can be used with SOULJOURN, By Jim Burklo Find the book here Have you ever had an out-of-ego experience? How can religion and spirituality help to get you out of …

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Religious Progressives Predicted To Outnumber Conservatives, Survey Finds

By Robby Jones, The Washington Post

The new PRRI/Brookings survey also reveals both challenges and potential opportunities for religious progressives as compared to religious conservatives. The biggest challenge religious progressives face is the considerable racial and religious pluralism among their ranks.

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Religious progressives hold stronger appeal among Millennials

Washington Post- On Faith Since the rise of the Moral Majority movement in the 1980s, there has been considerably more ink spilt on examining religious conservatives than religious progressives. In 2008, I wrote a book based on …

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Celebrating Eve

“This book sees Eve as the mythic heroine, rather than the villain, of the human adventure. The biblical story then takes on a whole new shape and meaning. The path from the innocence of the Garden of …

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Imagine God – A Children’s Musical

Exploring and Expressing Images of God- Score and CD

In this fresh and creative musical, author and composer make available a more comprehensive range of biblical images, celebrating both God and humanity in language that has been too long neglected. In doing so, they have helped to prepare the children who perform it and the audiences who attend it for greater appreciation and understanding of the images they will encounter in much new hymnody.

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The Canberra Affirmation

As progressive Christians in the 21st century, we are uncomfortable with rigid statements of belief, as we recognise our understandings are shaped by life experiences within cultural and environmental contexts. Yet, there are some common understandings which continue to shape our lives, both individually and in community with others. These we seek to affirm and celebrate

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The Martyrs Project

THE PROJECT: Martyrs Prayers is an extraordinary endeavor born out of love – love for the Church, love for music and, perhaps most importantly, love for friends. As a musical and spiritual milestone, the album represents an event that has drawn together luminaries of the music world in order to honor those who, through the centuries, gave their very lives for their faith, their freedoms, their communities and their friends.

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God Loves Uganda

Powerful film on the Evangelical campaign to change African culture with values from America’s Christian Right.

Powerful film on the Evangelical campaign to change African culture with values from America’s Christian Right.

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Say Yes!

By Andrea Gibson

this is for you

this is also for the people who wake early to watch flowers bloom
who notice the moon at noon on a day when the world
has slapped them in the face with its lack of light
for the mothers who feed their children first
and thirst for nothing when they’re full

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Peter Laarman to Samuel Rodriguez: Theocratic Agendas and Aging White Men

At Religion Dispatches, Peter Laarman writes a heartfelt open letter, ordained pastor to ordained pastor, to Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the “Hispanic Karl Rove,” as Greg Metzger characterizes him.

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