If we are unwilling to learn from history, we commit ourselves to reliving the mistakes of our ancestors.
read moreI grow
Faith in forgiveness
When willing
Wholeness is a process rather than a static state: it is not an end to the journey but the journey itself.
read moreA marvelous mystery
the eternal embrace
always there
Open my heart,
Pure Healing Power
To remove emotional pain;
Open this heart
Pure Healing Power
Again, again, again
Unlike our bodies our spirits need not be wearied by age but can become more and more lively day by day. To grow in spirit requires a vision that holds all things together.
read moreTake me as I am.
Lead me on.
Lead me on
through the night of mystery
into the morning song.
Remembering our ancestors gives life to ourselves and also to them, for we are our ancestors and they are us.
read moreWhat would happen if
I took my heavy insecurities
and slashed them into pieces
sewing them back together
into a lightweight, carefree cardigan?
Reality is lived in a physical world, a zone we know through the senses
Matter/energy that interplays, our brains perceiving tangible presences
To look into the eyes of your beloved is to experience a mystery which the eye cannot discern.
There is no second hand mystery. Descriptions of it are a poor substitute for the experience.
I don’t want
all the answers
for what if the answers
are wrong?
This behavior-over-belief curriculum connects children with their own inner wisdom. It teaches interdependence, self awareness, respect for nature, stillness, forgiveness, prayer, meditation, and integrity. Using the Bible and other wisdom stories, A Joyful Path helps children learn how to follow the path of Jesus, other teachers, and real life heroes in today’s world.
read moreThis week I tessered again, through a novel that left a deep impression on me when I was eleven or twelve years old: A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle (1962). More than recalling the plot, I have always remembered the feeling I had while reading it: a sense of wonder, fascination, and warmth. All that came flooding back through me as I read it for the second time a few days ago.
read moreBeyond the encounter with the historic Jesus is the meeting with the Inner Christ.
read moreearthsized waves ring gospel truth
in measures long as swells of surf
wide as air among redwood trees
a word or tune will catch the beat