If the shadow
is not seen
when the light
is shining
half of what is shown
goes missing.
Covenant, the promise that humans, especially those who understand our mortality, receive from the Eternal One. Co-creation, the promise that our thoughts, decisions and actions during the regular course of the day matter. We either choose to be aligned in the ways of Spirit or we choose not to be. Sometimes our awareness of what we are choosing is conscious and sometimes it is not. When our choices are aligned in Spirit’s ways, we bring about God’s kin’dom, which is something of great value to earth.
read moreThe unthankful get the misery which they have brought upon themselves
Nothing liberates the human mind as much as a thankful spirit.
Love, care, lend, do good;
Only with our closest friends
As they will for us.
1. Imagination is the midwife of compassion.
2. Compassion belongs more to the gut than to the heart or the head.
3. Compassion is sharing the passion of the other as well as walking in their shoes.
Our senses and our use of them are part of God’s creation.
read moreMary Magdalene, did you defer to Jesus?
Did you say, “Yes, my Lord, whatever You want, whatever You say?”
Peace of mind does not come through struggling to stop thinking, but through focusing the mind on some particular thought or object, and especially on the rhythm of our breathing.
read moreTHEME Dreams and Harsh Reality
For the rich poverty is obscene. For the poor wealth is obscene. For God both are obscene.
As I glance in the mirror, there’s a reflection I see
I stare forward towards the image, it’s actually me!
1. The earth may be our mother but we can be her mid¬wife or her funeral director.
2. Nature is a web of interdependency not a series of separate hierarchical layers.
The longing to know our Creator seems to be an innate human trait
A God-presence yearned for, to be revealed — never in life too late
1. Easter is the festival of the irrepressible God whom not even death can contain.
2. Most of us would prefer a cozy God to a God who shatters our complacency. Yet Easter is about a God who bursts tombs of the familiar, the ordinary and the mediocre.
The mystery of the Eucharist (Holy Communion, Mass) is only fully perceived when all flesh is seen as embodying both the suffering and the delight of God.
read morestaying beneath the thoughts
neither fighting them
nor thinking them
being at a deeper level
The spirit lives
in the vast emptiness,
in silence,
in formlessness,
how little we know
of what there is
to know
pain is