Senses sharpened in the silence – Praise in time of Covid-19

Senses sharpened in the silence,
gently, quietly, feel your breath,
know God’s love will never leave us,
now, or in our time of death.

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Questioning Belief In A Higher Power

Now I am lost, its as if there is not a Santa Claus. No being to look after me or my loved ones and perhaps no afterlife either. It’s not as if I am crushed but is it weird that I am still seeking “something”?. What now?

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The Confessional with Nadia Bolz-Weber

Forget the selfies and social media updates of everyone at their best, three-time New York Times best-selling author Nadia Bolz-Weber’s new podcast, The Confessional, invites guests to share stories about times they were at their worst. Guests talk honestly about what led to that moment, what they learned from it, and how they changed as a result. A former stand-up comic and a recovering alcoholic, Bolz-Weber is a Lutheran Pastor and the founder of House for All Sinners and Saints, in Denver, Colorado.

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Children’s Church – Getting Through It Together

Taking a cue from “The Day the Crayons Quit” by Drew Daywalt we can learn what it takes to get through anything together, when we see that everyone brings their gifts to every situation. And by remembering that when lots of things change, there are a few things that never change: GOD, LOVE, JOY, GOODNESS and laughter!

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We Can Lament and Explain

I agree lament can be a place “where the presence and healing love of God can dwell.” And from this place, I think new possibilities, acts of kindness, scientific understanding, and new hope can emerge. God can squeeze some good from lament. But do we have to choose between lament and explanation?

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Living your Faith in the Fog

In the Jewish, Christian, and Islam faith systems and traditions a personal Creator, Sustainer is not only the Ground of all being (GOAB), but a committed partner in its creation and sustaining, particularly to humankind, created to its image.
Unknowable only to experience in “His, Her, Its” actions with a purpose that, being the Alpha and the Omega, is the GOAB itself.
Basically it is up to us humans to unravel the mysteries and to deepen out our love and relationship with our Creator.

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What Ancient Thinkers Can Teach Us About the Human – Divine Relationship

The framework of ancient virtue theory, with its emphasis on character and the life of each human being as a whole, also formed a backdrop for the Synoptic Gospels. It is against this background that the figure of Jesus can be analyzed as an exemplar of the ideal moral person.

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Support Progressive Christian Curriculum!

Will you join us in making a difference for children all over the world? Today, children are seriously undernourished when it comes to spirituality. They are often either taught dogma in Sunday School or secularism at home …

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New Music for Progressive Christianity – “The Trail”

Discover new words for a familiar hymn and a progressive interpretation of the 23rd psalm.
As the world is coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, the 23rd psalm seems particularly relevant. Drawing from this psalm, The Trail considers, not so much how we gain protection or deliverance from a powerful God, but rather, how we find comfort and inspiration from a God who is the source of beauty and goodness in the world, even as we go through dark valleys.

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Jesus was not killed by atheism and anarchy.

Jesus was not killed by atheism and anarchy. He was brought down by law and order allied with religion – which is always a deadly mix. Beware those who claim to know the mind of God and are prepared to use force, if necessary, to make others conform. Beware those who cannot tell God’s will – from their own

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Andrew Cuomo’s Faith for All

Andrew Cuomo today is a phenomenon. He speaks every day about the coronavirus and his press conferences have become must-see tv. Why? Many reasons, but at heart he speaks to spiritual yearning in all people, a yearning that focuses not on religion and/or God, but on the truth and depth of our common humanity. 

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Does God Care?

Much of human life is spent in an illusory world that is mistaken for reality. The sun comes up each morning, runs its course, and day by day we fall into routines that we pretend will never end. When crises come, as we know they will, false confidence and phony optimism are shattered by calamity. Overwhelmed by anxiety and grief, we feel mistreated, betrayed, or helpless. Then comes the thought: “Am I all alone? Does God care?”

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What do you consider the Bible to be?

What do you consider the Bible to be? Is it uniquely inspired by God? Is it different from other literature? Is it authoritative? If it is not all authoritative, how do you determine the parts that are? If the Bible is not divinely inspired, where do moral truths come from? Are moral values eternal and universal for all cultures?

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Marcus Borg’s “Beyond Belief” – Digital Edition

Beyond Belief is a six session Digital Download Study. The series contains favorite moments, core teachings and extensive never-before seen material of Marcus Borg from the LtQ archives plus commentary from Rev. Marianne Borg.

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Listening for Wisdom

We tune our hearing to silence.
We wait on the source of being.
Our minds release the roar of thoughts.

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Beyond Belief: A Marcus Borg Retrospective – DVD Version

Beyond Belief is a six session DVD study. The series contains favorite moments, core teachings and extensive never-before seen material of Marcus Borg from the LtQ archives plus commentary from Rev. Marianne Borg.

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Still seeking “something”? What now?

I am still seeking “something”?  What now? On the other hand, there is relief that there is not a God that only favors some, all the contradicting rhetoric in the Bible now doesn’t have to make sense to me. Please help.

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Is the Sense of Self an Illusion?

Would you comment from your Christian perspective on the Buddhist assertion that we have no separate self or separate existence because we cannot understand who we are without understanding who we aren’t, and our separate existence is known only because of everything we are? Is the sense of self an illusion?

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