Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with Board Member Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin Q: Is the Bible the Inerrant Word of God?
read moreThe one thing that enraged most people about Jesus of Nazareth was that he had the gall to tell people that their sins were
forgiven when clearly there were systems of civic and religious power that were set up to make sure people got what they deserved.
Ask A Progressive Christian – Q: Is Jesus God?
read moreAsk a Progressive Christian – Q: Does God Control Our Lives?
read moreJoin Mark and Caleb as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of Netfilx’s post-apocalyptic hit based on a DC comic series by the same name, “Sweet …
read moreToday’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with Board Member Pastor Marshela Salgado: Q: Does God Cause Suffering?
read moreWith deep understanding of the human spirit, each poem by Tina Datsko de Sánchez touches the reader’s core with its rich imagery and holy metaphors.
read moreToday we begin our new daily series “Ask a Progressive Christian.” board member Rev. Roger Wolsey explores the question: “Is God okay with transgender persons?”
read more“God does not exist,” says James Finley, the renowned Catholic mystic who has dedicated most of his existence to studying, writing and talking about God. Wait…what? Oh, there’s more.
read moreJoin Caleb and Mark as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of the CW’s latest (and probably final) entry in DC TV shows, “Gotham Knights.”
read moreOmnipotence is dead. At least it should be. It has no biblical support. And it dies a death of a thousand qualifications in philosophy.
read moreJoin Mark and Caleb as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of the latest attempt to make a movie out of the tabletop role-playing game know as D&D: “Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.”
read moreScripture teaches that nature is our first Bible, suggesting that the eye is to look to her for the vestiges, images, and patterns of God to recommend to the heart, thereby confirming our faith (Rm. 1:20). As such, we are to be on the look-out for seasonal sights and sounds that arrest our attention.
read moreI want to share some reflections on process thought, known as process theology when applied to God and religion.
read moreJoin Caleb and Mark as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of the final movie in the series starring Keanu Reeves, “John Wick 4.”
read moreFor believers, understanding our relationship with God is essential.
read moreAbraham Lincoln was a progressive Christian. While being raised in a small fundamentalist Baptist church, Lincoln rejected the Christianity of his parents.
read moreFifty years ago, one prominent topic of conversation in the churches was the ecumenical movement, trying to determine what the various bodies had in common.
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