Orlando United – Pulse- performed by Beautiful Chorus

“Pulse” was performed for the very first time at The Venue by Alexandra Love Sarton, Divinci Glen Valencia Jr.and members of Beautiful Chorus as Chakra Khan at the Lady Elevate // The Chakra Khan CD Release PARTY just hours before Sunday’s massive heart attack began. An anthem for Orlando and love everywhere.

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Infinite Universe by Beautiful Chorus

Beautiful Chorus is lead by Alexandra Love (of Solillaquists of Sound and Chakra Khan), and it’s core members are Patty, Mila, Anisha, Veronica, Yuki and Olivia, with alternates around the world who join us when they can!

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Drunk Priests and Childish Prophets

The progressive movement is not entirely a 21st century invention. Through the centuries there have been prophets and poets, philosophers and scientists who have tried to draw back the curtain from myth and superstition to reveal the reality of other worldly religious claims, calling us back to the basics of compassion, love, and justice.

Isaiah (Isaiah 28) says that the preaching of the priests was like baby talk or just drunks vomiting in public. That’s harsh but test that theory against most of the sermons you have heard lately!

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Autumn Skye – Sacred Art Paintings

As in any art form, as we release judgment, silence our mind, breathe deep into the process, and find bliss in each step; we realize that we are boundlessly assisted in our authentic and heart-centered expression. We step out of the way. We realize that the Art is not born of us, but through us, and in this understanding we are humbled, yet profoundly empowered. Each creation is an offering: a positive reflection of ourselves and humanity, a celebration of evolving consciousness, an opportunity for healing and deepening, a vision of a bright future and Now.

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What Might Harvey Milk Say About the Pulse Massacre?

A gun took me from you,
but not only a gun.
Behind the gun burned hatred born of fear.
Bullets took them from us,
but not only bullets.
Behind the bullets the smallness
of fear-hate aspired to grandiosity.

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A Conspiracy of Love: Following Jesus in a Postmodern World

Today, the churches of the Global North are in decline and younger generations no longer seek meaning there. Traditional “church Christianity” is gradually giving way to some new way of faithful living. From a Nazi prison cell, German pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer imagined a future “religionless Christianity” consisting of contemplative prayer and righteous action in the secular world.

A Conspiracy of Love presents the contours of such a faith based on the “way” of Jesus. It calls us to become troublemakers, revolutionaries, seekers of change, and agents of transformation engaged in conspiracies of love to establish justice and peace in a postmodern world. It offers many different people–those who remain in the church,those who have left, and those who have never ventured near–with a life of faith that is meaningful, intelligent, and passionate.

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Xavier Rudd @ LEAF Spring 2015 (full show) Music Video

Xavier Rudd and The United Nations perform @ LEAF Spring 2015. Since the very beginning, Xavier Rudd’s ability to connect with people has been his most powerful gift. The more he has toured the world, the more hearts he has touched and the more of the world he has put back into his music.

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When Someone Says “I Love You,” RESPOND

When someone says, “I love you,” respond. Please. They need to hear it, they need to connect to that thread of life. We bear so much in life that is heart-wrenching. Let’s become a world bearing the weight of knowing just how lovable we are. Go find someone and be willing to speak out loud the times you have expressed yourself in challenging ways – it cleans your window. Then let them know you have seen when they have been broken, distant, selfish, unteachable, and they have never been unloved. It takes no special training, degrees, certifications or special knowledge for your heart to find that thread and share it because that thread of belonging is see-able in the light of being. So go be.

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ProgressiveChristianity.org Announces New Partner Organization: You Are Loved Murals

  YOU ARE LOVED YOU ARE NEEDED YOU ARE IMPORTANT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL YOU CAN DO IT The public conversation about worth, value, and well-being is often dark. We are surrounded by belittling messages of materialism, bullying, …

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We Wish You Love

We wish you love, like soft and kindly blessings
We savor from a fire’s gentle glow;
Reminding us that life is good and friendly,
That warmth and tenderness can always flow.

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Worship Materials: Marriage Service Resources

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

From time immemorial the circle has been a symbol of inclusiveness
and unity.

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Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

Written by Matt Carriker

On the surface, it seems that death is triumphant.
It appears as though those who conspired to do evil have won.

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If All You Need Is Love

Music Video By: The Noted - Inspiring rock about love, life and you...

“If All You Need Is Love” off The Noted’s 2013 “At This Moment” CD. A playful, color-filled 3d physics based animation scene with sound triggered visuals.

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Video: The Philosophy of Oneness

By Steve Robertson and Peter Joseph

Project Peace on Earth’s first worldwide concert from Bethlehem Palestine on Christmas Day 2011 featured the Oneness video written by Peter Joseph and Steve Robertson. Produced by Peter Joseph. The 2013 (PPOE) World Forgiveness Concert for Bethlehem Christmas Day features this video. It is a message dedicated to empowering reality of all are one connected through the only true religion, that of being loving. The PPOE concert was broadcast worldwide to some 80 million homes through the graciousness of MelliTV. The concert features spiritually inspirational performances from Grammy Winners and Nominated Musicians: Contemporary/New Age, Legendary rock stars, Opera, Country, World Music Fusion and HipHop and insights about the importance of forgiveness from world-renown thought leaders.

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Maundy Thursday – When you don’t believe that Jesus was a sacrifice for sin!

I was asked by a colleague, “So, if you do not believe that Jesus died for your sins, then why bother celebrating the events of Holy Week?” Behind this question lies the assumption that the only way to understand Jesus’ death is to frame it within the context of the theology of “penal sacrificial atonement” ie “we are judged to be sinful creatures, punishment is required, God sends Jesus to pay the price for our sin”. That Anslem’s theory of sacrificial atonement was formulated in the 11th century and continues to hold sway in the minds of so many followers of Christ is a testament to the power of our liturgies and hymns to form our theology. However, Anslem’s theory is not they only faithful way to understand Jesus’ death.

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Is Gratitude Enough?

Practice being a person of increase and thanksgiving. Our gratitude will lead us naturally to giving, we’re grateful so we give, and then we receive, and then we are grateful some more! What we will do for a life of meaning, peace, compassion and love will always be far more powerful than what we will do for money.

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A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 21: Filling Our Minds with Goodness

The more we choose to see beauty and goodness, the more we will live in happiness and joy.
High-mindedness is looking at life’s experiences from the high ground, where beauty and joy can be seen beyond ugliness and hardship that can cloud our vision. It is a conscious choice to keep company with positive thoughts and to be happy. High-mindedness is not pretending ugliness does not exist; it is really a celebration of divine goodness everywhere.

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What the World Needs Now is Love!

1Corinthians 13:1-13

91 year-old, Johnny Barnes is a Bermuda native who embodies the LOVE that dwells in him. How might we embody the LOVE that dwells in us? What does, would, could, will the embodiment of LOVE look like in you?

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