Spanish Language Golden Rule Poster

Produced by Scarboro Missions, this Spanish-language multifaith poster features Golden Rule texts in 13 religions. It is estimated that there are 550 million Spanish-speaking people throughout the world, most of whom reside in Latin America. Approximately 46 million people live in Spain. To view or download the Spanish poster, free of charge, click on the below image.

Este afiche contiene textos de la Regla de Oro de acuerdo a 13 religiones del mundo. De los hablantes hispanos, aproximadamente 46 millones viven en España y otros 550 millones viven alrededor del mundo, con una gran mayoría en América Latina.

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Happiness – Leading Two Lives

Part 2 of 4-Part Series

People tend to have a Victim Perspective, and it exaggerates the power of circumstances to ruin their lives. The first blog suggested that your life works far better with a Welcoming Perspective, enthusiastic about dealing with whatever happens. Even when you can’t get the result you want, it feels like a valuable experience, fascinating and instructive. You know that an incident influences different people differently, depending on how they hold it.

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How Art Changes Consciousness

Art can heal us, inspire us, and alter our brain chemistry

Art can heal us, inspire us, and alter our brain chemistry

With so much talk about the evidence of the positive effects of yoga and meditation, you might be surprised at what scientific research also says about how art effects the brain. Long before modern neuroscience, artists were creating works to inspire people and today complex brain imaging scans can show us just how art changes the physiology of our brains. Contemplation, observing, and taking in beauty all stimulate pleasure centers within the brain while increasing blood flow by up to 10% in the medial orbitofrontal cortex. This can lead to an elevated state of consciousness, wellbeing, and better emotional health.

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“If we stop consuming, they will stop producing”

“If we stop consuming, they will stop producing. Only collective awakening can create enough determination for action.” Thich Nhat Hanh

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A Flower’s Tears

  I had just read a quote from landscape artist Thomas Cole: “Nature has spread for us a rich and delightful banquet. Shall we turn from it? We are still in Eden; the wall that shuts us …

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Dustin Thomas performs on Usadba Jazz (Moscow, Russia)

Big hair, big smiles, and a whole lot of love- Wild-hearted globe-trotter Dustin Thomas is making waves from America to Australia with his infectious blend of beat-box/soul-folk. Armed with his voice, a guitar, and universal anthems of love and war; this young singer-songwriter continues to inspire hearts around the world on his mission of peace, joy, and unity.

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Principles and guidelines for interfaith dialogue

Dear interfaith colleagues around the world: This compendium of concise and handy resources provides insight into the interfaith movement and its treasure chest of wisdom and learning opportunities. This collection explores the goals, types and stages of dialogue and touches on issues such as interfaith etiquette, listening, peace-building, hospitality, respectful presence and dialogue-versus-debate. These principles and guidelines are useful for those who are new to interfaith as well as for veterans of interfaith work.

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10 Ways Clothing Choices Can Impact Care for Creation

When people think about being more environmentally responsible, the first topics that come to mind usually involve transportation habits, utilities usage and food consumption. These are all very important. However, there is another area that we often overlook: Clothing. Almost every decision we make about clothing can have an impact on other people as well as on the earth we all share.

In honor of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, I offer the following. These are all very practical suggestions, but they can also be a gateway to a deeper spiritual exploration. See in these tips a nudge to focus, simplify, contemplate and rest. They can help us tune in better to our relationship with the earth and with our fellow humans.

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The Spiritual Child

The New Science on Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving

In “The Spiritual Child”, psychologist Lisa Miller presents the next big idea in psychology: the science and the power of spirituality. She explains the clear, scientific link between spirituality and health and shows that children who have a positive, active relationship to spirituality:

* are 40% less likely to use and abuse substances
* are 60% less likely to be depressed as teenagers
* are 80% less likely to have dangerous or unprotected sex
* have significantly more positive markers for thriving including an increased sense of meaning and purpose, and high levels of academic success.

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Save the Animals, Save the Planet?

By Nicholas Kusnetz

Save the planet and you will save its creatures. That point seems obvious. It turns out, however, that the reverse may be true, too.

A growing body of research suggests that the decline of many of Earth’s largest and most majestic animals—such as elephants, wolves and whales—could actually speed global warming because of the under-appreciated role they play in mopping up carbon dioxide emissions.

Plants and microbes have gotten most of the attention for their ability to store carbon. But a small group of scientists is showing that some animals can influence the types—and numbers—of plants that populate their environments.

With more than half of the world’s largest land animals already either threatened or endangered, the goal is to highlight a hidden climate benefit of species conservation before it’s too late.

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Part 1 of 4-Part Series

This is the 1st in a 4-Part Series which offer a practical path to loving your life every day.

I love playing games. I try to win, but I also enjoy the learning curve, the interactions with other players, and being ready for whatever happens. If all you care about is winning the game, it might more like an ego trip than playing a game.

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The All in the Particular

  Julian of Norwich, the 14th century English anchoress, or religious hermit, wrote: “He shewed me a little thing, the quantity of an hazel-nut, in the palm of my hand; and it was as round as a …

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The Green Earth Challenge: Integrating Faith & the Environment

The book provides a biblical foundation for honoring the Earth through demonstrating God’s compassion for the earth, that all he made was good. It reveals the beauty of many of the countries in which she has traveled as well as environmental crisis plaguing some of these countries. Each chapter deals with a different aspect of the environment such as the flora, the fauna, clean air, the lack of clean water, and the global warming energy crisis as well as the consequences when there is failure to heed scientific warnings of future peril.

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A Word to the Spiritual Seekers

Are the Dog Days of summer drawing to a close? Are we feeling a little chill in the air as the long evenings of summer begin to shorten? We’ve had our share of those warm sultry days. But we’re not complaining. We will remember them fondly in mid January. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the Dog Days of summer go from July 3rd to August 11th, coinciding with the morning rising of the Dog Star, Sirius. And that tradition goes back to the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians who believed that it was Sirius that brought the hot muggy weather.

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In So Many Ways, We Have Already Won

Colonization tragically forced many indigenous people to forget and forsake our innate connection to Earth. But many of us today are beginning to remember. What is taking place in Standing Rock is awakening what once lied dormant in so many of our people: the Earth is our Mother, and Water is Life.

It was late at night when I drove into the conjoined Oceti Sakowin and Red Warrior camp in Standing Rock. I set up camp in the rain with my sisters, crawled into bed, and eagerly anticipated waking up wrapped in the energy of unity that next morning. That is exactly what happened.

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Go Fire, Go Light

Big hair, big smiles, and a whole lot of love- Wild-hearted globe-trotter Dustin Thomas is making waves from America to Australia with his infectious blend of beat-box/soul-folk. Armed with his voice, a guitar, and universal anthems of love and war; this young singer-songwriter continues to inspire hearts around the world on his mission of peace, joy, and unity.

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Does Your Faith Ignite Your Imagination?

I ask, does my faith IGNITE my imagination? Has my own faith lit my imagination on fire to take actions that are just as radical, just as passionate and just as committed to life as someone may be to death and destruction?

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Look At The Unknown

Ever tried so hard to solve a problem that you thought your head would explode? You’re not alone. Sometimes our obsession to figure something out gets in our way of finding the answer.

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