The Miracle of Easter

Traditional Christianity has missed the point of the Easter story.  The miracle on Easter wasn’t that Jesus was physically or spiritually raised to sit at God’s right hand until he could one day return to judge humanity.  The miracle was his followers recognizing that they could continue to proclaim the message of God’s Reign on this earth even once Jesus had been crucified.

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Jesus and Passover

It was two days before the Passover and the festival of Unleavened Bread. The chief priests and the scribes were looking for a way to arrest Jesus by stealth and kill him; for they said, “Not during the festival, or there may be a riot among the people.” Mark 14:1-2.

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Does God Care?

Much of human life is spent in an illusory world that is mistaken for reality. The sun comes up each morning, runs its course, and day by day we fall into routines that we pretend will never end. When crises come, as we know they will, false confidence and phony optimism are shattered by calamity. Overwhelmed by anxiety and grief, we feel mistreated, betrayed, or helpless. Then comes the thought: “Am I all alone? Does God care?”

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Marcus Borg’s “Beyond Belief” – Digital Edition

Beyond Belief is a six session Digital Download Study. The series contains favorite moments, core teachings and extensive never-before seen material of Marcus Borg from the LtQ archives plus commentary from Rev. Marianne Borg.

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Listening for Wisdom

We tune our hearing to silence.
We wait on the source of being.
Our minds release the roar of thoughts.

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Beyond Belief: A Marcus Borg Retrospective – DVD Version

Beyond Belief is a six session DVD study. The series contains favorite moments, core teachings and extensive never-before seen material of Marcus Borg from the LtQ archives plus commentary from Rev. Marianne Borg.

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Still seeking “something”? What now?

I am still seeking “something”?  What now? On the other hand, there is relief that there is not a God that only favors some, all the contradicting rhetoric in the Bible now doesn’t have to make sense to me. Please help.

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The Eighth Apocalypse: Part 4

  The Higher Mind, Quantum Physics, and the Basis of Hope   Determinism is Antithetical to Free Will The famous mathematician, LaPlace, claimed that he could calculate the future state of everything in the world if he …

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Healing Resources from Andrew Harvey

Anyone who isn’t prepared to do the intense work that is required to become love in action, is allowing the dark to destroy the planet.

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Spiritual Resources for the COVID-19 Pandemic

An index of resources posted each day on the Spirituality & Practice homepage — practices, readings, films, quotes, and more to help you navigate these times.

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Climate Apocalypse: Birthing a New Humanity

What do climate change, the novel coronavirus, and the Earth’s population explosion all have in common? They comprise a Biblically-sized Armageddon calling for an equal Biblically-sized rebirth of sacred consciousness, this time from the deep feminine.

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Prayers of the Cosmos: Meditations on the Aramaic Words of Jesus

By Neil Douglas-Klotz

Neil Douglas-Klotz offers a radical new translation of the words of Jesus Christ with Prayers of the Cosmos. Reinterpreting the Lord’s Prayer and the Beatitudes from the vantage of Middle Eastern mysticism.

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Being Present to Presence

On being a non-anxious presence in an anxious time.
How centering prayer can help us to be present to Presence.

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Climate Apocalypse: Birthing a New Humanity

What do climate change, the novel coronavirus, and the Earth’s population explosion all have in common? They comprise a Biblically-sized Armageddon calling for an equal Biblically-sized rebirth of sacred consciousness, this time from the deep feminine.

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O Christ, We Remember the Things That You Did

O Christ, we remember the things that you did,
The lessons you taught us, the way that you lived.

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The Delirium of Simon Bolivar. El delirio de Simon Bolivar

Beautifully exploring the theme that ‘only those who see the invisible can do the impossible,’ this exciting, lucid, and often heartbreaking collection of poems tracks the life and consciousness of the great Liberator Simon Bolivar.

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Mystical Activism

In Mystical Activism, we each hold the power to change the world right where we are. To call these “end times” is not hyperbole.

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Moon-Dancing Bears, Jesus and Nicodemus: a sermon on John 3:1-17

If God is the source of Love, let us worship God by loving. If God is the ground of being, let us worship God by having the courage to be more fully human; the embodiment of the Divine.

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