We are living in a world divided. Race and ethnicity, caste and color, gender and sexuality, class and education, religion and political party have all become demographic labels that reduce our differences to simplistic categories in which “we” are vehemently against “them.”
read moreChristians are not widely known for authenticity. You may even feel stifled in the congregation you’ve been part of for years—and you wouldn’t be the only one.
read moreToday’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Rev. Roger Wolsey explores the question: Are Forgiveness & Repentance Necessary?
read more“The Fugitives of Gethsemane” dramatizes the story about four apostles during the 3 days between the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus.
read moreToday’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with board member Rev. Larry J. Morris III: Who Are Your Favorite Spiritual Authors?
read moreToday’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Rev. Darrell Goodwin Q: How Do We Love Those Who Have Wronged Us?
read moreToday’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Pastor Marshela Salgado: Q:Do Women Need to Submit to Men’s Authority?
read moreJoin Caleb and Mark for this live recording as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of what James Gun is calling the first character to solidly exist in the DCU reboot, “Blue Beetle.”
read moreToday’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines: What do Progressive Christians think about reincarnation?
read moreToo much of politics caters to our craving miracles; faith is often about finding some magical safe place. But mystical experiences are about real life. In the season of Ordinary Time, a most extraordinary event breaks …
read moreAnd when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw God’s Spirit descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from the heavens said, “This is my Son, the Beloved,[e] with whom I am well pleased.”
read moreToday’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Rev. Roger Wolsey explores the question: Why is there Evil in the World?
read moreToday’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Rev. Darrell Goodwin Q: What Was Jesus’ Mission?
read moreJoin Mark and Caleb for this live recording as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of Season 2 on “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds”
read moreGod wants us to know where we live,
to open our senses to now
and this and here,
because wherever we are is God.
Watch Jim Burklo talk about his history with Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism and how he changed over the years to Progressive Christianity.
read moreA rock star, atheist, Marxist, world-class theologian, African missionary, and a Greek Orthodox Bishop all in one lifetime? Bishop Themi is a beacon of hope and inspiration to millions of Christians.
read moreIt can be scary to have doubts because we imagine that we are moving away from God. In reality, we are only moving away from our comfortable and established ideas about God.
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