Theses Toward a Theory of Generative Death Anxiety: Thesis #16

Thesis #16 – Hence, culturally/religiously Dissimilar Others may be a creative source for helping us widen and enhance our own vision; or, they may be encountered, in the most literal sense, as mortal enemies.

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Theses Toward a Theory of Generative Death Anxiety: Thesis #15

People who do not share in the basic assumptions of our cultural/religious narrative are a big problem, since by their very existence they cast doubt on the transcending and absolute certainty of our truth (revealing to us its essentially fictional nature) and thus expose us again to the repressed anxiety our fictions function to allay in the first place.

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Let Love Be Our Law

In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul said, “Everything is lawful, but not everything is beneficial.” This was toward the end of a letter in which he had urged the members of the church in Corinth to follow a higher law — to submit to the law of love. Later in the same letter, he said, “Don’t look for your own advantage, but look out for one another.”

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The Place of Faith and its Relationship to Science

Some people are highly devotional because it is scary having one’s paradigm shattered. This is to be exposed to the chaos of one’s own mind (the devil!). It is much easier to cling to the established artifacts of one’s own thinking then to fall into the pit of chaos. Most people would rather die than admit that the belief system/paradigm that they have carried most or all their life is wrong in spite of proof of error time and time again.

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The challenge with reopening churches

All places of worship are now allowed to conduct religious services.  However, how safe is it to reopen them versus the legal permission to do so during an ongoing pandemic that has not hit its testing target?

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COVID-19 and the Disproportionate Burden on Black Church Communities, with Dr. Keri Day

Dr. Keri Day, Associate Professor of Constructive Theology and African American Religion at Princeton Theological Seminary, sits down with Debo and David to discuss the disproportionate effect that COVID-19 has had on black people, its roots in inequality, and what we can do about it.

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Deeper Attention: The Soul of Charles Darwin

To know something new requires un-knowing that you know it all.  Darwin’s epiphanies deliver the reader into this place of un-knowing, which opens us to the knowledge of what lies beyond.

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The Great Event: Dark Night and Rebirth

I hold in my consciousness two previously unimaginable opposites; on the one hand the possible even likely extinction of humanity and on the other, the potential for our unimaginable birth of a new embodied divine humanity, the mutation realized and resplendent.

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Jamieson Spencer Interviews Rick Herrick on his new book “A Christian Foreign Policy”

Dr. Rick Herrick’s work reconsiders foreign policy from the perspective of Christianity. It considers all the issues concerned with foreign policy through a religious frame of reference.

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A Christian Foreign Policy: New Ways to Think About a Problem

Dr. Rick Herrick’s work reconsiders foreign policy from the perspective of Christianity. It considers all the issues concerned with foreign policy through a religious frame of reference.

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Aging with Vision, Hope and Courage in a Time of Crisis

As the coronavirus burst upon the scene, I realized that climate change was only one of a new “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” The storied marauders of old – death, plague, war and famine – had morphed into the coronavirus pandemic, climate change, uncontrolled population growth, and the unraveling of modern civilization.

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Finding Heaven Here

Finding out that this world is Heaven is crucial for human survival. Otherwise in the frenzy of dissociation, our shadow games will annihilate the planet. John Robinson’s passionate and finely researched book will inspire seekers to open their enlightened eyes and see the world as it is, and start working in Sacred Activism to preserve it.

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How can spirituality guide us through these challenging times?

I often feel isolated, sad and afraid that the world is falling apart and that my grandchildren will not have a world to live in.  And yet, I also feel hope; a feeling that this falling apart is connected somehow to a larger story in which humanity is being guided to change. What are your thoughts on this? How can spirituality guide us through these challenging times?

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COVID-19 and the Logic of Downturn

Theologian Joerg Rieger talks about why oppressed people have been hit hardest with COVID-19 and why people of faith and theologians should care.

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COVID-19 As a Prophetic Event

The viral pandemic of 2020 is being documented in remarkable depth by cable news media. Story after story demonstrates how a historical event is prophetic by exposing and judging short-comings in our society – and by pointing to necessary corrections to avoid a longer-lasting global catastrophe.

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Climate change song – Crises drive us from our comfort

Crises drive us from our comfort
to the edge of vital choice,
children speak the words we’ve hidden,
simple words we’ve failed to voice.

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Funeralizing a community, again

The coronavirus, the virus that causes the deadly illness called COVID-19, eerily reminds me of when I started as a young minister during the AIDS crisis. The enormity of the pain, grief and anxiety expressed by mourners and the volume of deaths reminds me of those early years.

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The Other Virus

Last week was about as intense as it gets. Caught between a merciless virus and the cessation of social activity, beneath the surface calm lies a persistent tension ready to erupt. The anxiety was underscored by the two main religious mythologies that drive segments of our culture, the Passover and the Crucifixion/Resurrection of Jesus.

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