Radical Regeneration: Birthing the New Human in the Age of Extinction

What is being made crystal clear is that humanity stands at a monumentally fragile threshold with two stark choices placed before it in a situation of complete uncertainty: Those choices are: 1) To continue to worship a vision of power, totally distanced from sacred reality 2) Or to choose the path of submitting bravely to the alchemy of being transfigured by a global dark night event that shatters all illusions but reveals the greatest imaginable possibility being born out of the greatest imaginable disaster.

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Religion News from Around the World: A Monthly Roundup by Rick Herrick

November 2020

The above news items are summaries taken from the Religion News Service. Readers interested in pursuing a news item further should consult the RNS website by using the link listed at the end of the summary…

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A Climate Crisis: The Challenge to the Church

A powerful reminder that the gospel is a subversive message that challenges oppression and calls us to be on the side of the marginalised.

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Understanding the Self-Righteous Political Brain: The First Step in Healing the Political Divide

With regard to the human brain, emotions developed millions of years before reason. These human emotions helped to channel behavior in ways that fostered evolutionary success. Reason eventually came onto the scene as a tool for these emotions to help them achieve their goals. As a result, reason became a tool for rationalization rather than a tool for objective decision making.

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Rumors of Grace: A Conversation with Bob Hutchins

In this episode, we talk about: The blessings and burdens of looking into the future (strategic foresight) * Does contemplative practice and spirituality (mysticism) represent the future of faith? Why or why not? * The promise of permaculture in re-wilding our lives * A look into The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation

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Connect a Multimedia Film by The Black Chapel Collective

Set in the shadows of a climate crisis and Covid-19.

In our present world today the impact and consequences of Climate Change and Covid 19 have been staggering.

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The Spiritual Consciousness of Government

Did you know that human DNA responds healthfully when we enjoy altruistic pleasure (helping others); but our DNA’s expression’s health degrades when involved in selfish hedonistic pleasure?

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Faith for Earth: A Call For Action (Free ebook)

The Parliament of the World’s Religions Climate Action Program and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) launched the new book, “Faith for Earth: A Call to Action”.

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Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti Of The Holy Father Francis

On Fraternity and Social Friendship

Fraternity and social friendship are the ways the Pontiff indicates to build a better, more just and peaceful world, with the contribution of all: people and institutions. With an emphatic confirmation of a ‘no’ to war and to globalized indifference.

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Dag Hammarskjöld and Ethical Leadership

Should a book on a highly gifted, spiritually and intellectually grounded political/diplomatic world leader of the twentieth century have serious impact on life today?

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Faith and Probability

Faith is typically based on “belief” and science is based on objective research and analysis. In this address, written for the Malvern (United Kingdom) Science and Faith conference, Dr. Ray discusses the concept of “evidence based faith,” attempting to rank our beliefs based on Bayes’ Theorem of probability analysis.

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The Gospel of Science

Mind-blowing New Science on Ancient Truths to Heal Our Stress, Lives, and Planet

You may have read claims before that a book can change your life and the world. However in the opening pages of The Gospel of Science you will read comments from top experts in the fields of; Mind-Body and Personal Growth, Physics, Sociology, Economics, Government, and Theology, who after enjoying the hundreds of pages of exciting cutting edge research methodically and poetically cited in this unique book, came to the enthusiastic conclusion, that indeed–The Gospel of Science delivers on this promise.

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Stuff That Needs To Be Said

Essential Words on Life, Death, Faith, Politics, Love, and Giving a Damn

This expansive, like-hearted community transcends race, orientation, gender, religious tradition, political affiliation, and nation of origin—and finds its affinity in the deeper place of our shared humanity, which is the True North of his writing. This collection lovingly pulls together some of John’s most widely-read and most beloved essays on faith, politics, grief, and the elemental parts of being human.

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During Plague, Enduring “New Songs” Created by Philipp Nicolai

Preeminent German hymn writer Philipp Nicolai was a Lutheran pastor whose small town, Unna, was devastated by the plague during the winter of 1597-8 with over 1300 deaths.  He officiated at many funerals, as many as 30 a day.

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Communities of Hope

Communities of Hope is a film born from a quest to discover a regenerative culture. It is an invitation to discover a new way of life. A way of life measured by the rhythms of nature, the depth of human connection, the vast horizon of human potential. It’s the way of life in ecovillages.

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Pope Francis’ Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

As the Pope writes in his message, “In some ways, the current pandemic has led us to rediscover simpler and sustainable lifestyles. The crisis, in a sense, has given us a chance to develop new ways of living. Already we can see how the earth can recover if we allow it to rest: the air becomes cleaner, the waters clearer, and animals have returned to many places from where they had previously disappeared.

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Confession and Cancelation

A Sermon on Forgiveness

The following sermon was given for my siblings at Montview Presbyterian Church, one of the three local worshipping communities I am affiliated with here in Denver. (The other two being St John’s Episcopal Cathedral and New Beginnings, a Lutheran church that meets within the walls of the Women’s Prison.

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Imagining a Post-Covid-19 New and Improved World

170 Danish scholars from 5 universities came together to consider how the world needs to change post covid-19. They make five crucial suggestions:

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