Love Gives Growth

Lao Tzu is attributed to have (but probably never did) said: Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Teachers see this in classrooms frequently. Students really need love to blossom. You can’t learn unless you feel loved – you can’t learn unless it is alright to make mistakes. We only grow when we are in a supportive environment.

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Faith Fight – Fountain Hills, Arizona

“Faith Fight”—that’s what the local news is calling it. Eight churches in Fountain Hills, Arizona, led by the Rev. Bill Good, pastor of Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), have posted banners announcing a sermon series called “‘Progressive’ …

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Interfaith Golden Rule Poster

Published by Scarboro Missions

The Golden Rule, known also as the Ethic of Reciprocity, is arguably the most consistent, most prevalent and most universal ethical principle in history. Many regard it as the most concise and general principle of ethics.

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Faith must fight capitalism: Forget theological purity — the church needs a revolutionary spirit

Excerpted from Spiritual Defiance: Building a Beloved Community of Resistance

The very definition of what it means to be a Christian must be salvaged now, taken back, by force if necessary, from those who domesticated a way of life and turned it into a quarreling quagmire of noisy “believers.” While we fiddle with the meaning of the Trinity, present-day Rome is burning. While we mumble our prayers for the poor, their poverty and pain increase by the hour. While we coddle the industries that ravage the earth for energy and then market death to us disguised as comfort, the conscience of the faithful has been euthanized by public relations campaigns that make us swoon with gratitude for the humanitarian altruism of Big Oil.

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Sacred Activism by Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey, Oxford scholar and visionary, believes that our survival depends on Sacred Activism, a fusion of profound mystical awareness, passion, clarity and sacred practice with wise, dedicated, radical action.

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Brian McLaren – The Future of Church Planting

Learn why we believe “Common Cause Communities” are the future of church planting.
Hear why Brian McClaren, Peter Rollins, and Alexie Torres-Fleming (among others) are joining our guest faculty.

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Climate Change and Churches- Sermon Video

“My passion is guiding faith communities to more fully live out the mission of being witnesses to Christ’s peace with justice,” said Rev. Murphy in accepting the appointment to lead PCU. “I see the future of Christianity as modeling a spiritual social movement and see PCU’s role as supporting congregations that seek to be part of that modeling.”

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Monthly eBulletin- Personal and World Transformation Through Environmental Stewardship

Personal transformation occurs every time you enter into nature and stop to delight in its inherent divinity. World transformation occurs when we serve and protect our earth home. And, my friends, this CAN be done one person at a time. Our earth heroes and heroines have been showing us the way- it is time for us follow their lead, or become the new leaders for our future generations.

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Climate Change and Faith Curriculum

A Partner Organization of ours, Progressive Christians Uniting, created this excellent curriculum to help people grow in their communities to care for the earth both personally and socially. These resources are for small group formation. Thank you friends at PCU for sharing! Check out our new “Go Green” action item under Resources on the home page for more tips and info on climate change.

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His Holiness the 17th Karmapa gives the CHUBB Fellowship Address at Yale University

As the spiritual head of the 900-year-old Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, has emerged as an important thought leader for our time. The Karmapa has been described as “a world spiritual leader for the 21st century.

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Earth Guardians “Be The Change” Music Video filmed by HBO

The planet doesn’t need saving. We do. Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez is not your average 14 year old. Dubbed the ‘Anti-Beiber’, he is mobilizing his army of teens in 25 countries to demand greener policy from our world’s leaders

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Earth is Our Home

Our relationship with Earth can, and must, be rethought and healed. Let’s each do our part, and work together, to make the most of our stewardship of this lovely place called home.

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Monthly eBulletin- Personal And World Transformation Through Social Justice

There is hardly anything more rewarding then practicing acts of kindness, or when standing up for something we believe in, especially when we are able to see the positive affects of those actions. Jesus was first and foremost a social activist. He saw inequalities and injustices around him and he spoke out against them. He called us to give up our possessions, to share our bounty, and to love our enemies.

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Earth Day: 12 Spiritual Practices to Honor the Earth

Spiritual practices are the best ways we know to demonstrate kindness and courtesy toward the Earth, to express our gratitude and wonder, to yield to the mystery and the beauty of it all. In observance of Earth Day we offer a set of practices (based on the Alphabet of Spiritual Literacy) you can do to honor the Earth over the next months.

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Saving the Earth

For the last several decades it is been clear to me that one of the primary goals of the Jesus path is a profound spiritual experience of Oneness with all life. At times I have used terms such as becoming awake to the interconnectedness or interdependency of all creation and creatures. Admittedly, these are only words which attempt to describe an awareness which defies an exact or precise definition. Other spiritual teachers had different ways of describing this phenomenon, though they may have emphasized different steps to experience it. In all cases, a common objective from all the great and enlightened teachers is learning how to live on this earth with awareness that we are all part of one living organism.

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Children’s Lesson Plans – Caring for the Environment and Each Other

by Forest Nation

Students will gain an appreciation for the characteristics of Forest life and develop a relationship with a local ecosystem

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A World of Solutions: The U.N. Climate Sequel

A week after the short film What’s Possible opened the U.N. Climate Summit, producer Lyn Lear and director Louie Schwartzberg are back with a sequel that expands on their vision for climate change solutions.

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Peia – O’er the Land, O’er the Sea – Music Video

“I have seen the wide wind dancing with the new day sun,
and I have seen the way that the light dances on the water when the day is done. And I have known a people who love all that grows and bring the land back to life. And I have seen them sing in the fire and heard their one soul’s song.”

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