Since the very beginning, Xavier Rudd’s ability to connect with people has been his most powerful gift. The more he has toured the world, the more hearts he has touched and the more of the world he has put back into his music.
read moreSince the very beginning, Xavier Rudd’s ability to connect with people has been his most powerful gift. The more he has toured the world, the more hearts he has touched and the more of the world he has put back into his music.
read moreA stronger progressive voice is emerging. It is starting to push back against the determined and thus far successful efforts of right-wing Christians to claim the “Christian franchise.” Our nation needs a full array of voices speaking what they perceive to be God’s truth.
read moreEven non-theists and progressive Christian types love to sing Christmas carols. And, as the British atheist, Alain de Botton, once said, “Religions are intermittently too useful, effective and intelligent to be abandoned to the religious alone.” The annual observance of one holy nativity is the perennial reminder to respect and beatify the dignity and sacredness of every birth, everywhere.
read moreAlthough Christmas is mostly thought of in terms of feasting and celebrating, Jesus’s, birth — like his death — was born of struggle, and that struggle was to be fully accepted. Similarly, when I think of the birth of Jesus, one of the themes that looms large for me is LGBTQ youth and young adult homelessness.
read moreDecline and Dysfunction in the American Church, addresses the unprecedented and devastating decrease in membership, financial resources, respect and ministry suffered by congregations and judicatories throughout the nation and offers an explanation that has not yet been considered.
read moreWhite privilege is so prevalent in American society that sometimes it is even difficult for minorities to be able to quantify and describe but it is as real as the air we breathe. Even Dr. Ben Carson, a black presidential candidate who grew up in poverty, said that the United States grew into the strongest economic global power in its first century because of a favorable economic environment. Evidently, he didn’t think that the uncompensated labor of African slaves was worthy of mention in that favorable environment?
read moreFor thousands of desperate refugees, the dangerous first step on their journey to Europe could be their last. Samaritan’s Purse teams are stationed at several primary stops across Europe distributing necessary supplies.
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