Michael Franti & Spearhead – Once A Day (Music Video) ft. Sonna Rele

Published on Jun 30, 2015 “‘Once A Day’ is about unexpected moments in life. Some days we have unexpectedly beautiful moments and others that are unexpectedly challenging. Last year I had a really challenging moment when my …

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Intelligence Meets Wisdom- Nick Cannon- Spoken Word

Once upon an element, a man named Intelligence questioned his own relevance
While his new old friend Wisdom offered his benevolence
You could tell, It was evident, the 2 were a little hesitant
Because their respect and reverence for each other was obviously heaven sent
That’s when Intelligence asked, well why do we Hate
Wisdoms rebuttal
well why do we Love…

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Buckman Coe – “Love For All Living Things” (Official Music Video)

Blending the worlds of folk, soul, and reggae, Buckman Coe is a passionate believer in the power of music to build bridges between people and communities. He is a force of positive inspiration in his own right, using his voice to bring beauty and optimism into the world.

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8 Ways Transformational Festivals Can Change Your Life and Change the World

A transformational festival is more than a music festival, more than a group campout, and more than a social gathering, although it has many of the same components. What exactly distinguishes a transformational festival like Lucidity from a more mainstream festival like Coachella? It is the emphasis on transformation – both of the self, through rapid personal growth and self-realization, and of society, through a focus on sustainable living, community, education, and wellness. These are usually three to seven day events defined as “counterculture festivals that espouse a community-building ethic and a value system that celebrates life, personal growth, social responsibility, healthy living, and creative expression.”1

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Earth Guardians “Be The Change” Music Video filmed by HBO

The planet doesn’t need saving. We do. Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez is not your average 14 year old. Dubbed the ‘Anti-Beiber’, he is mobilizing his army of teens in 25 countries to demand greener policy from our world’s leaders

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Peia – O’er the Land, O’er the Sea – Music Video

“I have seen the wide wind dancing with the new day sun,
and I have seen the way that the light dances on the water when the day is done. And I have known a people who love all that grows and bring the land back to life. And I have seen them sing in the fire and heard their one soul’s song.”

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Deep Peace – Ashana

Deep peace to you, deep peace to you. Deep peace of the running wave to you. Deep peace of the quiet earth to you. Deep peace of the shining stars to you.

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Peia: Four Great Winds – Music CD

Gifted with a broad, soaring vocal range and crystalline tone Peia’s voice pierces the heart with bell like clarity. She sings with depth and beauty, moving audiences to tears and inviting listeners to reconnect with one’s own purpose and the heart of the Earth.

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Peia Luzzi – Blessed we are – Music Video

A very intimate gathering and solo concert by Peia at Seven Seeds Farm in Williams Oregon. Filmed by Akira Chan.

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Peia “Machi”- Four Great Winds

This sacred music is absolutely ethereal and enchanting. with a voice like an angel, Peia takes us on a journey that is a meditation, a prayer and a celebration weaved into one. This song speaks of healing power and medicine of Woman, the Moon and the Earth Herself. A Machi is a medicine woman and sometime also a medicine man. May the images here remind us all what a miracle this life is. May we see that though tender and vulnerable our Earth is wise and resilliant beyond all measure. “Where there is Love there is Life ” and here there is a lot of Love. Blessed Be.

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Michael Franti & Spearhead – Same As It Ever Was (Start Today)

This song is a call to action that I hope inspires dialog and contributes in a small way to much needed change in our country today.

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The Bloom TV at Beloved Festival

Through the ages, we have called upon the One for Whom we yearn in countless ways, through myriad names. The term, “The Beloved” embraces all of these names and forms of the Divine, affirming their Unity. Beloved is also a 4 day camping, art, and music festival on the Oregon Coast. We intend to present sacred music to help eradicate the illusion of separation from each other, from the earth and from The Beloved.

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Purify- Hope Medford- Music Video

“A Sensual Hip-notic journey of World beats infused with Maternal Soul…” ‘Purify’ is a powerful fresh sound of strong dance beats mixed with emotional layers and tapestries of percussion. The sound imbies influences from reggae to R n’ B – to tribal and street roots infused with an undeniable feminine essence.

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Purify – Music CD

A Sensual Hip-notic journey of World beats infused with Maternal Soul…” ‘Purify’ is a powerful fresh sound of strong dance beats mixed with emotional layers and tapestries of percussion. The sound imbies influences from reggae to R n’ B – to tribal and street roots infused with an undeniable feminine essence.

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Awakening- Video Poem

Live recording of Climbing PoeTree’s “Awakening” poem featuring Leah Song on vocals and Biko Casini on Ngoni.

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MARY’s STORY:  Let It Be 

The way you tell the Christmas story, it all sounds so simple. So simple. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I really like it. It’s just that for so long now people have been telling my story and the way they tell it, it all sounds so simple and easy, so neat and tidy, that I hardly recognize myself in the story. It’s not your fault.  It all started a long time ago. Luke and that other fellow Matthew, they started it all.  They wrote my story down and wouldn’t you know it they cleaned it all up. But who can blame them.  Nobody likes messy birth stories. And as birth stories go, my baby’s birth was a really messy one.

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Shattered Angel

As Christmas draws near, we turn to stories to express the inexpressible. Like the Gospel writers we are at a loss to explain the activity of our God in the world and so we too resort to story telling. Families gather and the reliable old stories are told. And each year new stories are added to our treasure troves as we seek to express the inexpressible and touch the hem of our God who is love. And what better way to touch and be touched by God than to tell stories of God’s love in the world. We all have treasure troves of stories of Christ taking on flesh and dwelling among us. My story took place when I was a young woman determined that my first Christmas living out in the world would be the type of Christmas that dreams are made of.

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We Need New Words to Praise the Silent Night Cosmically!

Silent night, holy night is a perennial favourite! T’is the season for nostalgia. But what if we are serious about providing more than nostalgia in our worship? Can we, or do we even dare to offer worshippers new images that endeavour to engage our reality? Can we touch the spiritual but not religious crowds that wander into our sanctuaries seeking an encounter with the Mystery we call God, with a hint of our unknowing. Or are we content to address only the nostalgia seekers with safe images designed only to warm and not excite the imagination? Dare we beckon the nostalgia seekers beyond their memories toward the future? I wonder? Maybe we can summon up the courage to compromise by simply adding a few new verses? The challenge belongs to all of us to write new words to enable us to sing our praise with integrity.

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