William (Bill) Livingstone Wallace is a retired New Zealand Methodist Minister and one of our most prolific contributors.
read moreJoin Mark and Caleb as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives as they look at “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.”
read moreJoin Mark and Caleb as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of the latest Star Wars show: “Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
read moreWe are all part of this wonderful Cosmos, always have been and always will be. This unknowable life-force-energy mystery, which I am comfortable calling ‘God’, has been, is, and always will be the active creative force in this changing, expanding and evolving wonderful Cosmos. And in ME!!!
read moreWith childlike wonder and anticipation, I too will be dreaming this holiday, less of a White Christmas than a multi-colored, trans-religious, trans-disciplinary, trans-“everything” world, one complete with an iconic (conic?) tree, party hat, and in a literary sense, megaphone.
read moreYou may have read claims before that a book can change your life and the world. However in the opening pages of The Gospel of Science you will read comments from top experts in the fields of; Mind-Body and Personal Growth, Physics, Sociology, Economics, Government, and Theology, who after enjoying the hundreds of pages of exciting cutting edge research methodically and poetically cited in this unique book, came to the enthusiastic conclusion, that indeed–The Gospel of Science delivers on this promise.
read moreWill you join us in making a difference for children all over the world? Today, children are seriously undernourished when it comes to spirituality. They are often either taught dogma in Sunday School or secularism at home …
read moreThe Higher Mind, Quantum Physics, and the Basis of Hope Determinism is Antithetical to Free Will The famous mathematician, LaPlace, claimed that he could calculate the future state of everything in the world if he …
read moreIn Mystical Activism, we each hold the power to change the world right where we are. To call these “end times” is not hyperbole. We are in trouble and the signs are everywhere: extreme political divisions; xenophobic violence; enormous wealth inequity; poverty and homelessness; racism, sexism, and ageism; arms buildups and unending wars; and, most critical of all, terrifying climate disruption associated with man-made global warming.
read moreA sustainability leadership professor from the University of Cumbria (UK), Jem Bendell tells us that, at the current pace of runaway global warming, we can no longer assume that humans will figure out a way to avert environmental and societal collapse within the next ten years.
read moreIn our ongoing celebration of the Season of Creation, today we shift our focus to the Cosmos.
read more*** This page has moved – please click here to Order Hard Copy and DVD. To see all Purchase Options Please Click Here. *** Progressive Christian Spiritual Curriculum Compassionate, Intelligent, Inter-Spiritual, Non-Dogmatic Group Curriculum with …
read more*** This page has moved – please click here to Order Hard Copy and DVD. To see all Purchase Options Please Click Here. *** ———————————————————————————————- Progressive Christian Spiritual Curriculum Compassionate, Intelligent, Inter-Spiritual, Non-Dogmatic Group Curriculum …
read moreIn A Joyful Path, Year Two, we focus on some of the main tenets of Progressive Christianity and Spirituality, giving our children the foundation they need to walk the path of Jesus in today’s world. It has stories and affirmations written to help children clarify their own personal beliefs while staying open to the wisdom of other traditions.
read moreThe poor of the planet stare us in the face. Disparity of wealth, in our country and elsewhere, is an outrage that cannot be endured. The numbers are literally unbelievable. The earth provides, but greed monopolizes the table, a select few taking it all while the many stare and starve.
read moreThe Parliament of the World’s Religions is thrilled to announce the launch of the Climate Commitments Project. This web-based resource is the virtual face of the Climate Commitments Project, our effort to coordinate and strengthen interfaith and faith-based climate action campaigns.
read moreToday’s discoveries in Big Science, innovations in technology, along with the globalization of society and empowerment of the individual are bringing about ever-increasing benefits for humanity. Nevertheless, worldwide justice, peace, equality and understanding still elude us. For a more humane society, there is an overarching global imperative that we reconsider and reevaluate the claims of religion, the messages of science and our vision for society.
read more“Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious” (Stephen Hawking, 1942-2018) “The sense of wonder, …
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