Gregory C. Jenks latest book, The Once and Future Bible, offers lessons on making the bible relevant for today’s progressive believers.
read moreReligious leaders should be held accountable when their irrational ideas turn harmful.
read moreI reject the virgin birth, sinless life, divinity, and physical resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. And that’s just a short list of the traditional Christian doctrines that I don’t buy into. There are a lot of open-minded, …
read moreAfter sixty years of unprecedented growth and development, nearly every meaningful social and economic indicator in the United States is shifting.
read moreHarold Camping says that the rapture described in 1 Thessalonias 4 will occur on May 21, 2011, and that God will destroy the entire Universe on October 21, 2011. Unlike John the Baptist and Jesus, Camping offers no chance for salvation.
read moreThinking about Beck’s advice, I asked myself, WWJD, “What Would Jesus Do?” and immediately wondered WWLD, or “What Would Lucifer Do?”…what does the Lucifer Effect tell us about Christianity and social justice?
read moreThe Sexual Believer is intended for adults who have grown up with traditional religious teaching about sexual morality.
read morea set of statements on abortion compiled in 1978 from various denomination authorities
read moreI must admit that resurrection, then and now, remains a mystery – it can’t be defined in terms of literal flesh and bones or explained away as metaphor; nor is it helpful to speak of the pre-resurrection and post-resurrection Jesus. Jesus is a whole person reality, resurrection as rebirth and healing power characterized his teaching, healing, and hospitality
read moreDon Murray relates how the cycles of the Earth relate to our continual celebrations of the life and death of Jesus.
read moreThe Dove World Outreach Center, a non-denominational church in Gainesville, Florida, announced in July that it would host a Qur’an burning event on its church property in observance of the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks “to warn Americans about the dangers of Islam.”
read moreDon Murray recounts the recent burning of a Qu’ran by Pastor Terry Jones, and how this relates to the history of the conflict between the three great monotheisms.
read moreHeaven is a symbolic expression of two complementary yearnings: the longing for perfection in this world, and union with the divine. We are drawn by the promise of perfection. On an interior level this is felt as the promise of perfect love, happiness, and the ideal relationship. The idea of hell is essentially a symbolic yearning for a moral order in which the good are rewarded and the bad are punished.
read moreSea Raven details how the Gosepl of Jesus relates to the current debate over worker’s rights.
read moreThe integral worldview represents the next crucial step in the development of our civilization.
read moreBruce Epperly gives us the bullet points on how Progressive Christians have left go of traditionally negative images of heaven and hell in favor of a more loving, honest and transcendent vision of everlasting life.
read moreHere is an examination of Progressive Christianity by someone who isn’t afraid to ask some tough questions of the movement.
read moreI’d like to make something clear upfront, here. I’m not completely orthodox. I have some beliefs that don’t mix well with older forms of Christian thought, even if they’re often times congruent with some of the oldest forms (for instance, I’m a universalist). I’m not saying this, however, in order to earn your accolades; I’m saying it because, generally, if I want much of today’s American church–at least Mainline and Emergent–to take me seriously, I feel I have to make such a profession of heresy. Heresy has become the new orthodoxy.
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