Celebrating the Cosmos Liturgy

This presentation is a celebration of the cosmos and its processes. Why? We are living in a time not only of the meltdown of glaciers but also of ideological systems.

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Memorial Homily for Disability Rights Leader Bob Alllamand

Over fifty years a quadriplegic, Bob Allamand was one of four spokespersons at the historic San Francisco Federal Building sit- in which precipitated the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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Here We Go Again!

We can no longer deny that the seeds of racism and hatred are growing at a pace which threatens to choke our long-ago dreams of a multicultural paradise.

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Jesus the FULLY HUMAN ONE – the Gospel of Mary

While he was dying of cancer, American poet and short story writer Raymond Carver, penned a poem which, although it is but a fragment of a poem, it has the power to move me into the deepest part of my very self. This poem would eventually be titled, “Late Fragment”

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Love Language for progressive church worship

These three words sum up progressive Christian theology. They represent a turning point in the evolution of human understanding of Ultimate Reality.  The Bible starts with Superman-In-The-Sky and ends with agape – unconditional love – as the identity of the Divine.

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I AM, You ARE, We ARE the Good Shepherd

Psalm 23 and John 10

“The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want” or,“A song for LOVE’s sake: When our LOVE’s the guide by-my-side, I want for nothing.”

The translations of this ancient Hebrew hymn may be separated by centuries, but both the English translators of King James and the American Rabbi Jamie Arnold seek to move us deeply into the inner workings of our being.

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A Communion Liturgy for Pentecost Sunday

Written by John van de Laar © Sacredise Publishing (Sacredise.com)

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Hymn “O God, Who Does Love Me”

Tune: Gordon 11 11.11 11

O God, who does love me / And brought me to birth
With me through my childhood / You welcomed my mirth
I still can remember / When to you I would pray
You promised to love me / To never skip a day

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Choose Your Parade: The 8th Point of Progressive Christianity

On Palm Sunday, there were two parades: one representing oppressive Roman Imperial Theology and one representing the compassion and selfless love of the Reign of God. Join Co-Executive Director of ProgressiveChristianity.org Rev. Dr. Caleb J Lines as he talks about the 8th Point of Progressive Christianity in relation to Palm Sunday.

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Time to Vaccinate Ourselves Against the Infection of Atonement Theology

From within this pandemic wilderness of Lent, we must prepare ourselves to enter our second Holy Week in lockdown. At a time, when so much of our focus revolves around the hope generated by the arrival of vaccines, it occurs to me that we would do well to remember to vaccinate ourselves against more than just COVID.

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Sermon: Forgiveness

How are we complicit in the sin of the world? (A Sermon from Psalm 51)

Before we can move on, though, we need to be honest with ourselves. Before we can get to the prayer, “Create in me a clean heart” (51.10), we have to face our sins. Saying, “Create in me a clean heart,” reflects an inner desire for God’s purification. The words are a confession of our need for change. It’s so easy to point to the killer, the public official who said the wrong words, the rioters at the Capitol, the conspiracy theorists, and the anti-vaxxers. We say, They’re the ones with a problem. They are the hateful ones. Not me.

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A Prayer for the Day of Crucifixion

O God, let us take in the moment of this day of crucifixion, not remembering it in the context of what came after it, but how it left Jesus’ disciples and followers in tragic sadness and heart-wrenched disillusionment.

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Sermon on Point 7 of Progressive Christianity: Protecting the Earth

Exploiting the earth manifests in a number of ways including environmental racism. Listen to Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines discuss Point 7 of Progressive Christianity: protecting and restoring the integrity of the Earth.

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God Is Within

The following church service was conducted by George Stuart at Toronto New South Wales in Australia March 2021.

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Sermon: Peace & Justice – The 6th Point of Progressive Christianity

We cannot follow Jesus without pursuing peace and justice. Period.
Listen to Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb J Lines discuss the extreme importance of the 6th Point of ProgressiveChristianity.org’s 8 Points of Progressive Christianity.

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How do we know God?

People gather in churches around the world, week after week, and I wonder how often we stop to consider who God actually is.

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What is a Progressive Christian? The 5th Point of Progressive Christianity.

  What does it mean to be a Progressive Christian? Listen to ProgressiveChristianity.org Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines examine the 8 Points of Progressive Christianity throughout Lent, continuing with Point 5.     Rev. Caleb …

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An Open Mind is NOT the ‘Devil’s Playground

Rev. Mark Sandlin is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA) from the South. He currently serves at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant. Mark also serves as the President and Co-executive Director of ProgressiveChristianity.org.

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