Are You Connected to the Universe?

The Universe we live in is bigger than big. The Universe may be the only thing that is truly infinite. When I say Universe I am actually talking about the space it occupies. There is space, for example, between the Earth and our Moon, 238,900 miles of space, and 93 million miles of space between us and our Sun. Our Milky Way galaxy is one of maybe 100 billion galaxies in the Universe, and maybe our Universe, which came into existence some 13.8 billion years ago is not the only one.

When I was a boy growing up on Jefferson Street I could go outside at night and look up and clearly see the Milky Way in the sky. You can’t see it today because of light pollution. But on Boy Scout camp outs in the 1950’s, Paul Eason would take us out into an open field far from any light pollution and we would star gaze. He would point out all the constellations and the North Star and how to always find it. I’ve had a fascination for the Universe ever since.

Recently I connected with a friend on Facebook who takes the most wonderful photos of the night sky. He lives in Kansas where he can get away from the light pollution that blocks the view for most people. And because he understands computers and Photoshop he combines his night images into works of art. His photos are posted on his website and Facebook page and can take you back to a time when humans all around the globe looked up at the night sky in awe and wonder. Just go to Facebook and search for Jaxson Pohlman Photography to see his work, and at his website Jaxson Pohlman Photography you can see more photos and you can buy various sizes of his photographic prints.

Like my hero Thomas Jefferson, I get up before sunrise every day. I love the dark quiet of the mornings when I can think clearly about my life and the day ahead. If I am where I can be outside and the weather is good, I like to go outside and watch as the night slowly becomes day again. It always gives me the clear feeling that I have a new fresh unspoiled day to use anyway I want. And watching the Sun break above the horizon and begin its climb into the sky allows me to see and feel the power of the Universe in operation. A power that I realize is also in me because I am a part of the Universe.

Feeling connected to the Universe can happen almost anywhere, at sunrise or sunset, at the beach looking at the endless expanse of ocean, deep in the forest, or riding through the mountains as I did last month. The important thing is to know that infinity is hard to grasp, yet that is the size of the Universe. Another word for infinity is limitless. And since you are a part of what the Universe is, you are limitless also.

Understand your connection to the Universe. Know your place in this limitless wonder we call life. Know that you are not limited. The potential and power of the limitless Universe is in every life, including yours, just as the spark of life is in every seed. Plant a seed and see it grow into what it is and was meant to be. And know that you can bring forth from your own life whatever you want. Only doubt prevents your success.

I write these words on a computer that my ancestors could never have conceived of. We use every day some new product that did not exists a year ago. Our world and lifestyle grows and grows, just like a seed that is planted.

What Matters Most… Learn to see and feel your connection to the Universe. Release any belief that limits you or others. Court the limitlessness of your life. Practice being part of our Infinite Universe.

Jim High can be reached at P. O. Box 467, Tupelo, MS 38802-0467
© 2016#19

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