Abraham Had Stirring Dreams

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

Abraham had stirring dreams
That called for emigration.
Steadfast faith sustained his search
Despite its worst privation.

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As Well as a Bed

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

As well as a bed
We need an inner space where stillness lives.
As well as a roof
We need the shelter loving gives.

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Beneath My Skin

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

Beneath my skin
I’m flesh and bone;
There’s more to me than you can see.

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Life Is for Living Now

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

Life is for living now;
Not moaning or groaning,
Avoiding, disowning,
Life is for living now ! (WOW)

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I Am a Lovable Person

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

I am a lovable person,
One of the children of God.
I shall enjoy being myself
Even though some think I’m odd.

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When I Dream

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

When I dream I see the grumpy people smile
And the crying people wipe away their tears.

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Everything Is Changing

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

Everything is changing
Like the butterflies
Grow from eggs so tiny
To their adult size.

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I Would Like to Be Like Jesus

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

1. I would like to be like Jesus,
Gentle, loving, strong and true.
I would like to be like Jesus
And see God in me and you.

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If I Scramble Up a Hill

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

1. If I scramble up a hill,
If I climb into a tree,
If I look out from a cliff,
I can see and see and see.

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Christmas Is a Time for Children

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

1. Christmas is a time for children,
Time for presents, fun and play.
Christmas is a time for children,
Let’s all be children on this Christmas Day.

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Let’s Live Nativity

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

1. Let’s live nativity;
let the manger shape our minds,
the baby touch our hearts,
the mother bless our flesh.

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When I Pretend

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

When I pretend that I’m a seed,
A seed lying in the soil,
The seed and I are one.

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The Sheep Need the Grass

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

The sheep need the grass,
The grass needs the earth,
Everything needs each other.

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Let’s All Imagine

From the 'Sing Young, Sing Joyfully' collection

Let’s all imagine we are like a bird
Flying in the bright, blue sky,
Singing our best songs sweetly as we can,
Seeing all of life with a clear bird’s eye.

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God Loves Everyone the Same

God loves everyone the same,
and knows every girl and boy by name.
God made every girl and boy
to sing and dance and play with joy,
sing and dance and play with joy.

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The Presence of God

From the 'Sing Young, Sing Joyfully' collection

The presence of God unfolds in minds
Exploring mystery’s haze.
Yes, God is found within the minds
That search for wisdom’s ways.

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I Came From Joy!

Spiritual Affirmations and Activities for Children

I Came From Joy! is a beautifully conceived, non-sectarian tool for developing a child’s inner, spiritual life–ideal for parents, teachers, youth group leaders, and religious educators. Written for children age 5-11, but adaptable for all ages, I Came From Joy! offers fun and uplifting exercises that teach children values such as kindness, love, concentration, happiness, discrimination, sharing, patience, security, and how to be a success.

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A Youth Prayer

May the sacred spirit of life’s adventure
Keep me safe when I feel afraid
Make me steadfast when I am sad

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