• Jann Aldredge-Clanton
    • Jann Aldredge-Clanton, Ph.D., ordained minister, author, teacher, and chaplain, currently serves as adjunct professor at Perkins School of Theology and Richland College, Dallas, Texas. Jann is a widely published, award-winning author and lyricist. Her published music with composer Larry E. Schultz includes “Imagine God! A Children's Musical Exploring and Expressing Images of God”; “Inclusive Hymns for Liberating Christians”; “Inclusive Hymns for Liberation, Peace, and Justice”; and “Sing and Dance and Play with Joy! Inclusive Songs for Young Children.” Her other published books include “Changing Church: Stories of Liberating Ministers”; “In Whose Image? God and Gender”; “Seeking Wisdom: Inclusive Blessings and Prayers for Public Occasions”; “Breaking Free: The Story of a Feminist Baptist Minister”; “In Search of the Christ-Sophia: An Inclusive Christology for Liberating Christians”; “Praying with Christ-Sophia: Services for Healing and Renewal”; “Counseling People with Cancer”; and “God, A Word for Girls and Boys.” She also writes a weekly blog: www.jannaldredgeclanton.com/blog.

Hersay – Songs for Healing and Empowerment

Hersay brings healing and empowerment through songs with lyrics inclusive of the Divine Feminine, drawing from the musical styles of Taizé and other chant traditions. Female names and images of the Divine heal the wounds of patriarchal oppression and violence, and empower us to create a just and peaceful world.

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Inclusive Songs for Resistance & Social Action

Music empowers action fo social change. Inclusive Songs for Resistance and Social Action will contribute to gender, racial, economic, environmental and other justice movements.

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Building Bridges: Letha Dawson Scanzoni and Friends

Building Bridges combines an exploration of the life and work of Letha Dawson Scanzoni with stories of people she continues to empower through her writing and the Evangelical & Ecumenical Women’s Caucus – Christian Feminism Today, an organization she cofounded.

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Earth Transformed with Music!

Music has great power to touch the heart and change the world. Words we sing in worship shape our beliefs and actions. The inclusive songs in this collection will contribute to social justice, peace, equality, and expansive spiritual experience.

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Sister Spirit, Brother Spirit

Sister Spirit moves around us; Brother Spirit joins in love;
She and He together dancing crowned with holy Heavenly Dove.

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Celebrate Our Life Together

Celebrate our life together, giving birth in many ways;

Father-Mother Love is with us, leading to a better day.

Equal partners ‘round the table, family groups of every kind

show us how to nurture kindness, new creation’s joy to find.

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God is not a Guy and Neither am I!

More and more I find myself responding, “I am not a guy,” to waiters in restaurants, to educated people at conferences, and even to people in progressive churches who refer to groups of women and men as “you guys.” Sometimes these are groups of all women, and still they call us “you guys.”

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Why Is Inclusive Language Still Important

“We don’t need to do inclusive language any more,” some of the young women tell Isabel Docampo in her intern classes at Perkins School of Theology. “That was important when you were going through seminary because there were all men. Inclusive language isn’t important anymore because now women can be leaders in church and are in the workplace big time.” Isabel says that when they go out into churches, these students discover that gender discrimination, although often more subtle now than in the past, is still all too prevalent.

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God Loves Everyone the Same

God loves everyone the same,
and knows every girl and boy by name.
God made every girl and boy
to sing and dance and play with joy,
sing and dance and play with joy.

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Imagine God – A Children’s Musical

Exploring and Expressing Images of God- Score and CD

In this fresh and creative musical, author and composer make available a more comprehensive range of biblical images, celebrating both God and humanity in language that has been too long neglected. In doing so, they have helped to prepare the children who perform it and the audiences who attend it for greater appreciation and understanding of the images they will encounter in much new hymnody.

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Creator God of Many Names

Creator God of many names, Give us your widest view;
We seek your Spirit none can tame, Your visions bright and new.

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Interfaith Day of Prayer

Held in an interfaith chapel or prayer garden

Divine Wisdom, we come seeking your guidance in our efforts to work together for peace. We come from diverse ethnic groups, cultures, and religions. We believe these differences enrich us all. Lead us on your paths to lasting and true peace.

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Blessing of Hands

(for people in the healing professions)

A blessing ritual for those in the healing professions.

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Sing and Dance and Play with Joy, Inclusive Songs for Young Children

Jann Aldredge-Clanton and Larry E. Schultz

This collection offers a theologically rich and musically flexible resource for those who lead young children in music experiences in the church or at home.

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Inclusive Hymns for Liberating Christians

Inclusive Hymns for Liberating Christians.

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Seeking Wisdom: Inclusive Blessings and Prayers for Public Occasions

Seeking Wisdom includes more than two hundred inclusive, interfaith blessings and prayers for public occasions. These blessings and prayers can be adapted or combined to fit specific occasions, providing a valuable resource for clergy and laypersons.

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