• Alex Iwashyna
    • Alex Iwashyna went from a B.A. in Philosophy to an M.D. to a SAHM, poet and Christian liberal by 30. She spends most of her writing time on LateEnough.com, a humor blog except when it’s serious about life, parenting, marriage, culture, religion and politics. She has a muse of a husband, two young kids and a readership that gives her hope for humanity.

On The Charleston Shooting…

I wasn’t going to write anything because I worried words would fail, but I think keeping silent is worse. I am appalled and devastated that our country is so steeped in racial violence. It’s a sickness, and we aren’t getting better.

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Is There A Perfect Church?

As we are inching our way back into church, I wonder whether finding the perfect church is fair to any of them. Is a church closer to humanity — imperfect and growing? Or closer to God — a light to the world? And if I’m going to compromise, what is most important to me? Where am I willing to bend?

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Maybe We Shouldn’t Use Xmas But Not For The Reason You Think

Every December, there is much debate over the “War on Christmas.” And while many barbs are passed back and forth over “happy holidays” and “the reason for the season,” one of the more popular notions is that when Xmas is used in place of Christmas, it is an attempt to remove Christ from the holiday.

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Does God Want Me To Eat Organic Food?

While perusing the Bible for verses on taking care of creation and the Earth, I thought: Does it matter? I mean, do I really need God to specifically tell me I should live a life where I take good care of my health and the health of the world I live in?

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I Will Not Pray That You Are Healed

She hesitated, “You won’t like it but I want God to make you buy me more stufties!

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Christian Unity

There’s a line in a popular Christian song that makes me cry every time: “We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord. And we pray that all unity may one day be restored.” It makes me question my attachment to labeling myself a Christian Progressive or a Christian liberal.

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Why And How To Meditate (In Only A Few Minutes)

I’ve been told prayer is when we talk to God and meditation is when we listen. While I don’t expect God to say “Hello, here’s the answer,” I believe in developing this listening channel with God, which guides us to take good and godly spiritual action. It gives us a feeling deep within our hearts to guide us between right and wrong in our daily lives.

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Prayer Changes Me

My friend, @SgBz, posts on twitter: “Whatever else prayer may or may not do, the 1st thing it changes is the one praying.” I reply: I agree. I’m not quite as eloquent in 140 characters as I …

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Can I Teach My Children To Turn The Other Cheek?

Jesus tells us to not only resist retaliation but to turn the other cheek. While I attempt to humble myself to this calling by listening closer, measuring my words, and remembering that with with God’s help, I am strong enough to let go of my need to be right, I struggling with this concept when it comes to my children.

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Lent As A Practice Rather Than A Perfection

Lent has not been going well for me. One of the downsides to home-churching is that every planned activity falls on my husband and my shoulders, and we didn’t even realize when Easter fell as we made …

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Abortion and the Unknowable God: An Attempt at a Neutral and Faithful Discussion

As a Christian, I find myself in a strange position on abortion. I am pro-choice. I have not always been as I have not always considered myself Christian. I was an atheist/deist, pro-lifer in my younger days. …

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My Children Are Not Good For Santa Claus

We practice Santa Claus in our home as in he comes on Christmas Eve and leaves some of the presents that my kids asked for in a letter.  He flies to our home like he flew to …

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A Christian Without A Church Is Still A Christian

When my family stopped going to church a few years ago, quite a few Christians told me (with some Bible quotes thrown in for good measure) that Christians were supposed to spend time together. My family was …

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Would You Vote For Jesus? Questions Christian Voters Must Ask

Many Christians I know vote based on a single issue, usually abortion. Now I don’t want to get into the pro-choice, anti-abortion, debate. I understand that if the point of conception is the beginning of life, pro-choice does not feel like a viable option. But I believe that the question for a Christian-motivated voter is not as simple as a candidate’s stance on abortion. The question should be: How Christ-like is my candidate?

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God is Love: The Daily Lessons of God in Parenting

I try to carry God into all I do including parenting. This does not translate into threats or punishment about God watching but into teaching about kindness and love.

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The God Of My Children

This piece was first published on LateEnough.com. My daughter: Oh no. The tree broke! My son: Don’t worry. It’s okay. God takes care of all the broken things. These moments fill my heart with assurance that God …

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