• Toni Reynolds
    • Minister Toni Anne Reynolds is committed to singing flesh onto the bones of the Christian tradition by incorporating recently found texts of the ancient world into liturgy, sermons, and poetry. Toni’s Christianity forms a holy trinity with the psychological medicine of Tibetan Buddhism and the eternal Life found in Yoruba traditions. Balanced in an eclectic faith and focused in theology, Toni’s ministry offers a unique perspective on life, theology, and spirituality.

What is the difference between God’s will and my will?

Q&A With Toni Reynolds

What is the difference between God’s will and my will? Sometimes I feel like I can’t discern the difference between the two.

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Applying the Nag Hammadi Scriptures Today

Q&A with Toni Reynolds

What have we learned and can apply today from the Nag Hammadi Scriptures?

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“What is a seeker?”

I am a “seeker.” I know what that means, but when people ask, “What is a seeker?” I can never find an accurate or concise way to explain it. 

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Christian principles help to make it through difficult times.

I personally think that the most challenging times are the moments that birth the strongest aspects of a faith tradition. Despite not being able to gather in person there are many ways to stay grounded in Christian principles and find ways of connecting during this era of social distancing.

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Will we “Rest in Peace” after death?

People say “rest in peace” after someone has died. But, do people really get to rest after death?

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What does keeping the Sabbath look like?

Freedom to decide what element(s) of your weekly life hinder, or simply strain your relationship with God. Whatever the answer is, that’s the thing that should be put on rest.

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Being honest and sharing what you believe

How can I be honest and share what I believe with the people I grew up with? Don’t think they will speak to me again. And some are my family members. How do I share my new beliefs when discussions come up?

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Reincarnation and life after death.

Much has been written about Reincarnation and previous lives.  I think a current summary discussion of life after death would be beneficial from a scholar who has studied the authoritative reincarnation stories. 

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Where is God in the universe?

My question: where is God in the universe? Is God bigger than the universe? How can God be both so big but small enough for us to have a chance of comprehension?

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Is there a Creator of the Universe?

Has humankind invented God to look after life after death? One can say this in connection with many of the Gods in the Bible and elsewhere in man’s evolution, but is there a Creator of the Universe? If so, after studying the cosmos, one must conclude that it must be entirely different from what we have assumed, so far. If so, this might explain why we have produced such a cruel world with most of us thinking only of our own survival. But, again, there are so many examples of selflessness and good!

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