One: Hear the voices, small voices, loud voices, voices of the oppressed, voices of the powerful.
read moreLeader: Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Christ.
People: We celebrate the birth of Jesus, who showed us how to express God by letting the Christ within be our guide.
Leader: It is a night of anticipation, a night of waiting.
People: We wait, as Mary and Joseph waited for the birth of their son.
Leader: In this Advent season, we honor a time in history when people anticipated the birth of a child.
People: The child grew to be a man who gave hope to his people.
I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
read moreWe recognise that life is a gift and a joy to be lived in all its richness
All: We give thanks with all our hearts
read moreWe worship and adore God,
source, essence, and aim of all things,
spirit that enlivens all beings.
“Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.” A Taize chant is incorporated into a opening invocation
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