In this New Year, let us lift our vision of what we can do and what we can achieve:
read moreWe crouch with Mary on the straw of our messy lives
letting go of everything but this moment.
“you who delight me” is in two parts:
poems of love—secular and spirited writing about people, places and events; and
words of spirit and faith—inclusive language, contemporary liturgies for individual contemplation and progressive faith communities.
Born to a poor uneducated carpenter and his partner
All: Jesus was one with oppressed humankind
Come, let us walk the road that Mary walked
the challenging road
from Nazareth to Bethlehem
not knowing what the future holds.
God in our distant places
Draw us closer
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.
We have a vision of the world not yet realised
All: Where they will beat their swords into ploughshares
In the beginning was the Word …
It all started with an act of divine self-expression.
and the Word was with God …
It all comes from the center of God.
We are community
Embraced by the mystery of God’s love for all creation
One What is the sound that calls us? Listen carefully.
Many The beating of our own hearts calls us to ourselves. It calls us to be our true selves, our best selves. Calls us to be what we might become.
Leader: Give thanks for the Lord’s goodness, God’s love is steadfast and forever.
People: God has gathered us from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south, and rescued us from trouble.
…a review by Jim Burklo of “We All Breathe” by Gretta Vosper
read moreTogether we hold a place where each can find voice as they long to reflect the Christ for our time.
read moreGod is all without being any thing, while being the all in every thing.
read moreLeader: The presence of God is surely in this place.
People: The presence of God is everywhere.
For those who promote human rights in countries controlled by military dictatorships, risking their lives every day
All: Blessed are those who are persecuted for their struggle for justice: the kingdom of heaven is theirs